Shielder — A new Science Fiction Romance (Book 1, Shielder Series)
would dictate her swift demise
if he ever discovered her true birthright.
    Slipping the helmet over his head, he
punched the hatch control and turned to her one final time. "I've
programmed the brig force fields so you can't deactivate them. Stay
away from Long. We'll take off as soon as I return."
    He still didn't trust her and probably never
would. She didn't trust him either, which made it imperative she
gain full access to his computer system. Realizing he waited for
acknowledgment of his orders, Nessa nodded, and he strode out, the
hatch whirring shut behind him.
    "Nessa! Nessa, come here," Long wheedled
from his cubicle.
    Ignoring him, she went to the cockpit. She
needed to find her supplies and her weapon, needed to exert control
of all computer functions —just in case.
    At the computer, she began searching for the
hidden files every system contained. It took some time, but she
finally found what she was looking for: the PWL file, the heart and
core of the computer. It contained the security codes and passwords
necessary for accessing all operational ship functions.
    As expected, the file was encrypted, but
that didn't deter her. With Jarek's indulgent permission, she'd
spent seasons secretly exploring Liron's computer system and
accessing technical IAR files. Those files had taught her how to
program and more importantly, how to access any information in a
computer data bank.
    For another hour, while she listened for the
hatch tone heralding Chase's return, Nessa painstakingly created a
program to decode the file. It might take days to fine-tune a
program that could eventually break the code on the PWL. It would
almost certainly take several trial-and-error adjustments. But she
had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
    Breathing a sigh of relief, she finally
closed the file, her decryption program hidden and running. Then
she searched the read-only files until she located full ship
schematics. They led her to the location of Chase's general
    General storage was located near the lab and
fortunately, not secured. Nessa searched through the shelves of
blankets, food particle refills for the replicator, and tools.
Weapons and money were kept under secured, coded locks at other
locations on the ship. She found her bag of supplies, along with
her knife.
    She slipped the knife back into her boot and
hid her bag in her cabin. Pleased with her accomplishments, she
returned to the computer in the cockpit to browse IAR files until
Chase returned. He had initially barred her from the cockpit
without specific permission, but he'd rescinded the order when he'd
granted her access to read-only computer information. Nessa settled
in, anticipating an enjoyable interlude in IAR.
    Some time later, she heard the hatch tone.
She quickly exited her file on various religious cult beliefs and
celebrations and left the cockpit.
    Standing with his back to the hatch, Chase
pulled off his gloves, then his visor, exposing bleeding scrapes on
his face. Nessa was surprised to find him alone. She'd
automatically assumed the trip to Saron had been in pursuit of a
wanted felon. Scowling fiercely at her, Chase turned and headed
down the corridor, yanking off his utility belt.
    "Captain," she gasped when she saw the
bleeding wound on his upper back, near his left shoulder blade.
"What happened?"
    "My sources were wrong," he growled, not
breaking stride. This trip was a total waste!"
    Nessa hurried after him. "What happened to
your shoulder?"
    He jerked to a halt and threw the helmet
against the wall. "A damn Jaccian decided he wanted my weapons and
any miterons I might be carrying."
    "Too bad he didn't want your head as well,"
Long sneered.
    His jaw clenched tightly, Chase opened the
weapon vault and tossed the gun and stunner inside. Appalled at the
blood oozing from his upper back, Nessa stepped closer.
    "Captain, your shoulder—"
    "I'll tend to it!" he snapped, pounding the
vault pad. "Just leave me alone!"
    "Let him bleed to death,"

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