Bent (The Gifted Series)

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Book: Bent (The Gifted Series) by Elbie Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elbie Sinclair
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                  “What?”  This complaint came from Reagan, who strolled in wearing her exhaustion on her shirt sleeves.  She didn’t stop walking until she reached Mattis‘ side.
                  He wrapped his arm around her, and she sighed as if relieved to be wrapped in his embrace. “You heard me,” Mattis began.  “You’re staying here to guide the flock for a few days.  Besides, you need a break.” 
                  For once Reagan didn’t argue.  After what had happened, she’d been in twenty-four seven work mode, traveling to different agency headquarters and hadn’t spent one night at home with Mattis.
                  He gave her a skeptical eye. “What? No argument?”  
                  “I want … no let’s make that need a couple of nights in my bed.  Preferably with you in it, but if all I can get is tonight, then I’ll take it.”
                  Mattis smiled seductively toward his wife. “And that’s my queue leave. Someone relay the latest information to Carter Sr and Casey.  They’re worried sick, so let’s keep it positive.  I’m backing Leah’s claim that Carter is alive; his folks need all the positive feedback we can offer.”  The two began to walk off and he halted suddenly. “Marnie, give Felix and Jamie a call.  They’re not due back from Canada for another week.  Fill them in on everyone’s whereabouts.”  They continued toward the exit and without turning, Mattis gave a final warning, “Unless we’ve made contact with Carter or found Patrice Landon, no one better be stupid enough to knock on our suite door.  Understood?”
                  Everyone chuckled, muttering compliantly.

    *     *     *     *

                  Joss paced her cell.  Two hours had passed and they hadn’t returned Carter. 
                  They’d been bunking together for a week now, and he’d been healing at an accelerated rate.  She knew it was a mere matter of time before Patrice came for him, demanding information and using whatever brutal means necessary.  They’d done the same to her.
                  She glanced at the pallet of blankets on the floor.  They resembled packing blankets you’d rent from a moving company.  Hell, that’s probably what they were.  The gurney they’d wheeled him in on had been removed, so she’d suggested they share the bed, but he wouldn’t think of it.  Chivalry perhaps?  At least this was what she told herself, unable to admit that he truly thought her a homely Olive Oil—one so homely that he couldn’t stand the thought of lying next to her. 
                  If only she felt zero attraction for him, this would make their living situation tolerable.  But as it were, she’d grown to appreciate his presence.  Although she tried to refrain from openly displaying her neediness, she felt it.  She rationalized that she’d been alone too long, hungering for human interaction and casual conversation, and this was probably true, but if this were the only reason, then why did his looks affect her so? Why did his occasional smiles make her skin tingle and cheeks flush? 
                  Because you’re falling for him, ya git ! She growled with frustration.
                  She heard the basement door open and spun.  The shuffling of feet coming down the stairs followed.  She saw three shadowed figures reach the bottom step, and she immediately knew the one in the middle was Carter by the way they dragged him along.  A grimace cut across her face, recalling the times she’d been returned in the same manner.
                  A curse slipped, feeling his pain.  He’d gotten a good taste of what Patrice’s lackeys dished out. As they grew near, she recognized one of those said lackeys as Stephen. He specialized and

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