Bent (The Gifted Series)

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Book: Bent (The Gifted Series) by Elbie Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elbie Sinclair
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pry.  He extended a hand. “Carter.  The name’s Carter.”
                  She continued wiping down the length of his leg, but when she reached his foot, she solemnly turned.  Serious eyes met his gaze.  “I’m sorry for what I’ve done to ya—truly am.”
                  His good arm swung about her small confines. “You didn’t choose this, did you?”
                  She glanced about the space before dropping her head and giving it a disheartened shake.
                  “Then there’s nothing to be sorry about.  Got it?”
                  Inhaling a resolved breath, she wrung out the wash cloth and offered a sad but determined smile. “Got it. Now let’s finish up here.  With any luck we’ll have food within the hour.”


    Chapter 5

    “Any word, Irish?” Smits asked as he, Marnie, and Leah joined Declan and Mattis in the conference room.  Declan glanced up and his expression said it all.  No word.
                  “Yes, it’s been two weeks,” Leah began, “but I won’t give up the belief that Carter is alive.  Joss didn’t kill him, Dec.”
                  “I know you’re certain of yerself, but it was a direct hit.”
                  Leah leaned over the table and grabbed Declan’s hand.  “I’m sure of what I felt, and I felt the presence of multiple gifted—Joss, you, and Carter.  He wasn’t dead.”
                  At this moment Tiago and Bo walked into the room. 
                  “Anything encouraging?” Mattis asked, “Give me something.”
                  Tiago, Bo, and Ray had just returned after four days of working with the northern Cal region and the agency in Salt Lake City. 
                  Bo could recall every detail of the inside of the facility or house, as he claimed it to be, where he’d been held captive but only had vague recollections of the outer area.  He did recall temperatures and topography similar to what you’d find in the northern regions of the US: evergreens, mountains and rolling hills, bitter cold, snow, rain, but also warmer temperatures that lacked humidity.  It was these subtle clues that they were using to narrow their search.  All northern districts and outreach locations were on high alert, scouting remote locations for any sign of gifted activity or odd occurrences.
                  Tiago spoke up, “A gifted civilian in Southern Oregon contacted the Northern Cal region with information about sensing numerous auras near Medford.”  His eyes immediately focused on Leah, and she didn’t miss his subtle frown as she released Declan’s hand.  He was an admittedly jealous boyfriend and overbearingly protective after seeing her latest injuries from Joss’ attack, even though Leah was healing quickly without complications and had full range of motion in her hand.  However, the healing process did slow her gifted abilities down, but this was a normal reaction to injuries of any sort, and was also why she and Declan had been forced to stay behind while everyone else traveled about on search missions, actually contributing to the case. 
                   Resentful much ? Leah mentally snorted.
                  She noted how Tiago quickly masked his irritation before offering her a personal greeting, stalking straight to her side.  The two kissed as he inquired about her health. 
                  Bo continued toward Mattis, “Tiago and I are heading south in the morning.  We should be in Medford by early afternoon.  We checked with Northern Cal, and their data base claims a few gifted are on file in that area, but not enough to warrant the claim of a high concentration of auras in one given location.  Sounds suspicious.”
                  Mattis nodded.  “Good plan.  I think I’ll join

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