Before You Go (YA Romance)

Read Online Before You Go (YA Romance) by Ella James - Free Book Online

Book: Before You Go (YA Romance) by Ella James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella James
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don’t like you.” She figured since he’d treated her like h-e-double-l and now she was Humpty Dumpty, it was okay to be upfront. “This is your fault.”
Her eyes shut of their own accord, and she felt him lean down close. “C’mon, Margo, just keep talking.” His hand on her back hovered, tickling. “Tell me what hurts.”
“My head.”
His fingertips felt like butterflies on her temples. “Okay, look up at me for just one second. Tell me if my eyes look blue or brown.”
She swallowed as his eyes got wider. They looked blue…or gray. Right now, blue. “Kind of blue,” she said, gritting her teeth against a shiver as his fingers tickled the skin under her eyes.
“All right. Does this hurt?” he asked, putting more pressure on her temples.
She started to shake her head and winced. “No. It hurts…right here,” she said, twirling her hand around over the lightning bolt just behind her left ear.
“Let me see.” He leaned over her, so his chest was by her face, so close that she inhaled him. Hay and sweat. He cupped her shoulder and squeezed.
“Do you remember what happened?”
She squinted again, shocked to find that she did not.
“We were riding…and he…” What had the devil horse done? Maybe she needed to go back a little more. She swallowed. “I got on that dark horse, and he was kind of hard to reign. Then we…” Crap. She really didn’t remember.
“It’s okay.” He swept her hair up off her forehead. “I think you can get up now.”
“How do you know?” The whole time he’d been acting like he knew what he was doing. The way he touched her…not like this—she shut her eyes as his fingers stroked her forearm, light and warm—the way he touched her earlier, he had seemed to know. “Are you a doctor?”
It seemed ludicrous to ask, but if he was really, really smart…
She opened her eyes and saw him smile. “I worked as an EMT this past year, to make some extra cash.”
He rubbed her one more time, from her elbow to her wrist. Then he went down to her legs and squeezed her ankles. “No pain here?”
“No,” she whispered.
“I’ll help you up. Your head will hurt, and you might feel kind of weak, okay?”
His hoisting grip was strong and firm, and his chest felt hard against her cheek. She wanted to pull away, but he was right; she did feel tired.
“Any dizziness? You feel sick?”
“No.” She couldn’t look up at him as she answered, but she could feel him peering down at her.
“We’ve got two choices,” he said. “I can either leave you here and go get a truck, or I can put you on the horse with me, and the two of us can ride back together.”
Margo blinked. Things were starting to get weird. Like, her vision blurred, and her legs started to shake. She didn’t plan to say anything because she didn’t trust her voice, so she was shocked when her mouth opened and she said, “Don’t leave.”
“Okay,” he murmured. “We’ll go real slow .” With one arm still around her back, he shifted a little to wrap his other arm around her waist. “Do you think you can walk on your own?”
“Yeah. Maybe.”  
As they turned to face the shining stream—there was a whiteish horse beside it—Margo’s hair stuck to his shirt. The slight tugging on her scalp made goose bumps sweep her face. Her sensations were all off. One minute she smelled his deodorant—cool, mountainy —and the next, her nose was stuffy. Logan noticed her sniffle and he stopped.  
“It’s okay,” he said lightly, but his arm on her stiffened. “Why don’t I bring her to you. ”
He left Margo sitting on a stump, and she watched him jog to the horse. She thought how weird it was: Now he was nice.
She felt glad when he helped her up into the saddle. He climbed behind her, sitting so close she could feel him breathe.
He turned them out of the sun, thank God, and she asked, “Why do I feel so crappy?”
“You hit your head.” Near her ear, his voice sounded loud, and she flinched. He mumbled,

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