Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9)

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Book: Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9) by Donald Wigboldy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wigboldy
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with her?” the girl beside him asked in surprise and didn’t seem truly surprised. “No wonder she’s been acting so jealous. I didn’t even do anything, but if she’s going to be angry with me then I would like to at least give her a real reason.”
    She shifted and Sebastian felt her body press against him as she leaned against his side. While his shirt remained on his body, his bare arm felt soft, bare skin rub against it. Her breasts rested on his chest, though he was unsure if Ashleen had replaced the towel. He feared that she had not from what he felt against his arm.
    Lips touched his kissing him. Sebastian didn’t fight the kiss. Ashleen had asked him to give her a chance and if he wanted to be sure that Yara was the only one for him, perhaps they needed to give romance a chance; or at least give in enough to know if they were even compatible beyond friends. The man knew that he was playing with fire, or perhaps lightning as he felt the tingle of electricity coming from the wilder’s body.
    As her lips lifted from his, he felt her breath as she sighed. Opening his eyes to look up at her face, the girl looked surprised to see him looking at her.
    “So you aren’t afraid of me after all?” Ashleen said with a smile. Her blue eyes looked at him with both amusement and love. The first emotion was safe enough even if he was the butt of her joke, but the second was much more dangerous.
    “You once said that I should see if I had committed to the wrong woman, since I had found her first. I suppose that you are right. If I am unsure at all that I should have waited for you and never gave you that chance, would I be harming Yara with fears of what might have been? If I can’t resist you, then I made a mistake,” Sebastian said unsure if his words truly told her what he meant.
    The confusion lines in her forehead said that maybe he wasn’t clear. “In other words, if you find things to love about both of us, maybe you need to give me a chance or you will be wondering what you missed later?”
    At his nod, the girl giggled and said, “You really aren’t a very good teacher are you?”
    “Did you figure out how to read the metal today?” At her nod he said, “Well, I get it right some of the time at least.”
    Leaning closer, Ashleen kissed him again as her hands rested against the sides of his head. He could feel her moving against him with each breath and the warmth of her was beginning to push through his shirt as well. Her lips were tender and soft. They felt right, even as he compared Yara to her. The thought of the healer caused him to stop in his efforts a moment making the girl pull away.
    Her face revealed some concern, but no confusion at his distraction. “I know that going further wouldn’t give you answers. Being able to have sex doesn’t mean a man loves a woman, does it? It just means that I can turn you on with my body.”
    A few wet tendrils of hair slid from her shoulder slapping his cheek as if trying to wake him from a dream. The beautiful girl looked thoughtful and decided as she pulled away from him revealing more of her naked body to his open eyes as she moved to stand. Sebastian looked at her noting similarities to Yara while he couldn’t help thinking how beautiful Ashleen was as well.
    “I think that I will rest before dinner in my room. Why don’t you clean up before we go?” the girl said turning away from him.
    Sitting up, he watched the bare girl pick up the towel from the floor noting the alluring curves almost clinically. Sebastian wasn’t sure if he dared let his defenses down. She was beautiful and pulled at him like another piece of his soul. Like the difference of healing and battle magic, both girls felt right to him and that worried him greatly.
    The door to her room had been closed behind the girl as she passed through the bathroom leaving the man’s view of the illuminated bathroom and his bedroom empty once more. Groaning as his heart, body and mind were all

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