Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9)

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Book: Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9) by Donald Wigboldy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wigboldy
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also sore. While his boots were older, the continual walking or standing beside the workbench had taken its toll.
    With his eyes closed, Sebastian heard the water running in the other room. The door wasn’t so thick as to obscure even that sound and he had to admit that there was a part of him that wished he would give in and take a look at the pretty girl. Ashleen was as beautiful as Yara in his opinion and alike in many ways. That was probably why he liked both of them so much.
    Yara was the peace he often sought. She was a healer and had brought that out of him. Yes, he had been inquisitive about magic and pushed to learn the spells beginning almost innocently with a saddle sore spell. It was considered a simple healing spell for them, but they had been surprised when a battle mage had actually discovered that he could duplicate the healing.
    A slight smile, as he thought about touching Yara so intimately for the first time, came to his lips. Those touches had become much more over time.
    Like Yara, Ashleen had been someone who brought something to his life. He had an affinity for air magic as well, but it had only been after discovering the wilder that lightning, wind riding and a few other spells had come. She brought out the fun side of him and once he had been reunited with Yara, Sebastian had needed to put up a wall between him and the pretty wilder.
    It wasn’t that he couldn’t have fun with Yara, but what they had was far different from his relationship with the wilder.
    After a time, the door to his room opened. The girl’s blond hair was still wet and hanging down her back. Dressed in only a towel wrapped around her body, Ashleen tried to tempt him again. It had become a game to see how far she could push him and they both knew it.
    “You might want to take a bath as well. You’re filthy and if you want other women to dance with you, you might want to bathe,” she stated giving him a smirk.
    He didn’t sit up and Ashleen frowned. “Do you need more motivation to get up? I can drop my towel and give you a show to wake you up.”
    Lifting his head, the battle mage called up a spell familiar to all battle mages. “Gust,” he ordered and swiped with his hand. A sudden wind struck catching the fold of the towel causing it to pull free making Ashleen squeak in surprise.
    He put his head down before truly seeing what the girl had offered only a moment before and smiled at the joke.
    “Sebastian!” she complained, but he had closed his eyes ignoring her complaint. He heard feet on stone a moment before Ashleen’s voice came to him from only a couple feet away. “If you really wanted a look that bad, I said that I would show you what you are missing.”
    Pressure on the bed beside the mage made him frown, but he dared not open his eyes. If the girl was insisting upon tempting him, he wasn’t really sure that he would want to resist seeing her bare body. Wondering if he had made a tactical mistake, the battle mage realized that he had never been trained for this kind of battle, a battle of wills of a different sort.
    “You big baby, you really don’t want to look? I mean, you’ve seen Yara naked right? That is the rumor at least.”
    He refused to say a thing, but wondered how such a rumor had spread. Ashleen hadn’t been on the Sea Dragon when he and Yara had first been together. They probably hadn’t hidden their attraction for each other well, especially on a boat where you couldn’t hide from the others in such cramped quarters. He had only hoped Maura wouldn’t report them when they both returned home since it was nearly a rule that such relationships were forbidden.
    Then they had been magically drawn to each other and all worries of keeping away had led to sex on that cursed island. Once they had been together, the couple had found other ways to keep getting together in secret, or so they had believed. Only the closest of friends were supposed to know of their sexual relationship.
    “You slept

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