Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9)

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Book: Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9) by Donald Wigboldy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wigboldy
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better than walking up five floors of stairs and there was a certain amount of amazement caused in the mage even after using it a few times. What wizards could do with magic was incredible and he had no doubt that no mage could have devised such a device. It was a matter of cleverness and power that most battle mages simply didn’t have. On the other hand, few battle mages found a need to climb so many stairs on a regular basis, unless they were inside of one of the castles.
    “Mecklin says that he will try to bring some of the others from the Sea Dragon for dinner tonight. Annalicia and Darterian were asked to stay for the big celebration of Gerid’s return,” he informed Ashleen as he read the first note. As the mage read the second message which was lengthier, Sebastian groaned, “We have officially been invited to join a parade through the city tomorrow afternoon in honor of the Grimnal. As someone who was part of rescuing Gerid, I guess you are as involved as I am now. The message even includes both of our names.”
    “And me just a simple wilder from Kardor,” Ashleen chuckled noticing his discomfort. She knew him well enough to realize that he didn’t enjoy the spotlight. Sebastian was a humble man who preferred action and not to sit through lavish celebrations, even if they celebrated his accomplishments.
    “I thought that you came from a noble family there,” Sebastian said looking at the third message. It was from Raven Leros ordering him to do as the king requested as well as setting a date two days later for another meeting. Likely the raven had more ideas about how he would spend his time while in Hala. Hopefully he could continue his experiments with swords and the forge. Sebastian was certain that Hollow Swords could counter the emperor’s new armor which absorbed much of the elemental magic a wizard used. If Leros couldn’t be convinced of their importance, the owl would be surprised; but how much time he would be given was the bigger question.
    Ashleen shrugged and replied to his question, “I am from a lesser house, though my father has actually done quite well as a merchant increasing his reputation beyond that. My family has some businesses and money.”
    It was most likely an understatement, the battle mage thought. His own background was being the son of a simple farmer. They hadn’t been rich, and his call to White Hall had been a blessing for his family. Every mage and wizard’s family were paid for their service, while the children would grow up and eventually reap a stipend of their own.
    Ashleen leaned against the wall of the elevator and began pulling off her boots. At his questioning look, the girl replied, “I’ve been on my feet most of the day. That stool wasn’t easy on my bottom either. Since these boots are new, I am also still getting used to them.”
    He noted the two inch heels which had helped raise the girl’s eyes closer to his. Removed from her feet, the smaller girl was even more obviously shorter than the mage. He said nothing knowing many girls who preferred some amount of heel in an effort to not feel like others loomed over them.
    Once more, Ashleen entered through his room. There was a second door to hers, but it was redundant for both to bring their keys, so Sebastian had become the official opener of the suite door. The girl was barely to the doorway of the bathroom before she threw her boots through the opening into her room and reached to the sides of her tunic pulling the garment up and over her head revealing no other covering for her upper body. With her back to the mage, Ashleen announced, “After being in that smithy all day, I need a bath.”
    She pulled the door to the bathroom closed behind her, but only after giving him a bit of a show.
    Sebastian sat on his bed only a moment before lying back while his feet remained on the floor. With first one foot and then the other, the mage kicked off his boots understanding Ashleen’s sore feet as his were

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