Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

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Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
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of the glove until he tied the end in a knot.
    He’d arrived in the nick of time. A minute later and there would’ve been no trace of the orb left. Perhaps it was possible to synthesize the mist with what he’d secured inside the glove. Either way, he was sure he’d made the right decision to contain what was left of the alien artifact.

    When Watson informed Commander Delacourt of the situation, he assumed he’d turn his plane around and head back to where he’d came from since there was no longer an alien artifact to deal with, but he was wrong.
    Delacourt yelled so loudly at Watson he worried he’d perforated his eardrum. “You idiot! My men got it all the way there in one piece and in the few minutes it was under your supervision, it vanished. They’ll bust you down to Private for this incompetence.”
    Watson smirked. “That might be true if this little excursion of yours was at all sanctioned, but you told me yourself that it was not. So let’s cut to the chase. I have two unconscious soldiers under strict supervision. According to the interviews we both saw, the teenagers were attacked by their sphere and then went unconscious before they turned into superhumans. Now let me go out on a limb and assume you wanted the sphere opened because you wanted to create your very own super soldiers with the mist trapped inside. Well guess what, dumbass, the two men are soldiers of mine. You got your wish. Maybe it didn’t play out the way you’d envisioned it to, but it did play out.”
    Watson took a deep breath and then continued, “And just so we’re clear, your men gave my men orders when they got here that countered the orders I gave them. Had my men done what I’d told them to, none of this would’ve happened. I’m curious to hear why you directed your men to do that.”
    Delacourt was silent for several seconds. Watson was right to predict that he wanted to harness the powers locked inside the sphere to create a super soldier but he was wrong to assume Delacourt would bestow such an honor upon one of his own men. Delacourt had wanted the powers for himself and if there was any left over, then he’d infect his men too. In his fantasies, he’d be the leader of a band of super soldiers. With enough power, there’d be no stopping them. The world would be their playground.
    Delacourt was livid now that that was no longer a possibility. He said, “We’ll talk when I arrive. I’ll be there shortly.”
    Watson said, “I already dispatched your men and their truck back to New Mexico. I couldn’t care less whether you join them or not.”
    Humbly, Delacourt said, “I’d like to join you. I want to see what happens to your troops when they’re revived.”
    “I’ll see you when you get here. I’ll have my men bring you directly to me. Do not attempt to order them to do otherwise. Do you understand?”
    “Of course.”

    When Jack woke up the next morning, all he heard was commotion outside his door. He sat up and put his clothes on while straining to hear what was being said.
    Melanie’s voice was saying, “You should’ve never let anyone near that thing.”
    Watson’s voice returned, “It was a mistake. But now we need to deal with it.”
    Jack opened the door on the quarrelers and interjected with, “Would someone like to tell me what the hell you’re talking about?”
    Melanie beat Watson to it. “Two soldiers were sprayed by that sphere they brought in this morning. They’re unconscious just now. The sphere vanished just like it did with us.”
    Jack turned on Watson. “I told you not to subject anyone to it until we knew how safe it was. Were you even listening? I thought you understood how dangerous it was.”
    Watson sighed, his shoulders slumped and he took in a deep, disheartened breath. His eyes were ringed dark and bloodshot. “I was just telling Melanie that it was a mistake. The men approached the sphere against orders. I had no

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