Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

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Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
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idea they would do that. I didn’t even tell them how important it was. I just don’t know what got into them.”
    Melanie shook her head angrily. “So now what?”
    “I was hoping you could fill us in on what we can expect to happen next.”
    Jack shrugged. “We don’t really know. We were unconscious. We woke up at least twelve hours later, went home, and then started to black out again. When I awoke in a quarantined hospital I was shown video footage of what I’d been doing while I was unconscious. I punched a hole through a solid wood dresser in my sleep. I hovered above the ground and scared the crap out of my nurses. After that, it was all a matter of escaping the quarantine, which was essential since we were all to be executed by a United States General just because we frightened him.
    “I used my powers to take us back home. After that it was all a matter of practicing.”
    Watson had a terrible thought. Jack, Melanie, and Scott had shared the mist, and out in the open no less. Hank and Sally had inhaled the mist between them and inside the confines of the truck. Would their powers end up being so much more intense because they received a larger dose? Would they even survive long enough to find out?
    He nodded at the young couple and said, “Let’s get some breakfast in you. I have a feeling you’re going to need your energy today.” Then he turned on his heels and walked away.
    When he was out of earshot, Jack whispered to Melanie, “I don’t remember telling him we’d help him with any of this.”
    Melanie shrugged her muscular shoulders. “Yeah, but we might be the only ones who can help.”
    Jack smirked and shook his head. He’d always lusted for adventure, until one too many adventures started to find him, all bringing near-death experiences in their wake.

    Watson had barely stuffed down a slice of toast when Delacourt was brought before him. He was older than Watson by a decade and half a foot shorter but he had a spring in his step that had less to do with sprightliness than it had to do with having an agitated, hyperactive character. His nervous energy immediately put Watson on edge.
    Watson stood from the table and asked his fellow Commander to follow him to his office. The last thing he wanted was to butt heads with an equal in front of his subordinates. Jack and Melanie eyed him suspiciously as they left.
    Delacourt whispered to him, “Those are the weird kids from the news, right?”
    “I’m happy you managed to force them to stick around. Good work.”
    “I did no such thing. They’re free to go whenever they want.”
    Delacourt shook his head sadly. “I’d have gone about it differently, but whatever. To each his own, right? What matters is that they’re here.”
    Watson regarded him coolly, wondering how on Earth a man so arrogant had ever made it so far up the chain of command.
    Delacourt looked around as they walked, paying particular attention to the damp stone walls and the hanging fluorescent lights. “This is no way to live. You should ask for a transfer to somewhere better.”
    Watson was already starting to get annoyed by the man. “This is perfect for me. We have some very sensitive things going on around here that just wouldn’t stay contained on a normal military base.”
    “Like what? The aliens you have in custody? Give me a break, man. Every base on the planet holds alien prisoners.”
    “Ther e’s that, and the teenage superhumans, and now the unconscious soldiers that were just recently subjected to an alien aerosol that has unknown side effects.”
    Delacourt shrugged his agitation and said dismissively, “Whatever you say…”
    Watson wanted a pay raise just for the added aggravation of his visit.
    They both took a seat in Watson’s office and Watson relayed the events of the past twelve hours. Delacourt’s knees bounced as he listened. Several times, his mouth opened as though he was going to interrupt but then he’d close

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