A Memory Away
Kyle’s white face and tried very hard not to remember the previous night’s dream which involved that self-same face flushed and dazed and with kiss swollen lips. “We caught the perps. Turned out it was just a couple of bored kids.” He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets and hunched a shoulder in Lopez’s direction when she pulled up at his side and nodded her own greeting. “We’ve been notifying everyone involved.”
His whole body flushing hot and cold with panic, Kyle nodded and croaked out, “Thank you.” His eyes flickered to Shea – who was suffering a fit of baby shyness and observing the newcomers from the safety of having his head tucked into Megan’ neck – and then back to Jonah. Yes he had made the decision to tell Jonah, but not like this . He wanted to do it right, do it properly, and most importantly not do it anywhere near his precious child where Shea could be frightened or hurt if things went badly. Oh God, he wasn’t ready for this.
Jonah nodded. “It’s pretty standard.” He ignored Lopez snorting to herself beside him and then appeared to notice Shea for the first time. “Oh, hey, this your kid?” He grinned uncomfortably when Kyle and Megan looked like they were going to have simultaneous heart attacks and pulled a hand free from his pocket to waggle a finger in Shea’s direction. “S’up, dude?”
Shea blinked at him and then buried his face in Megan’s shoulder with a bashful squeal.
Jonah rolled his eyes and nodded mockingly at Kyle. “Wow, really is your kid, huh?”
“He’s just shy.” Louise spoke when both Kyle and Megan stayed silent and held out her hand when Jonah glanced at her. “Hi, I’m Louise, Shea’s nanny.” She shot a puzzled look at her boss when Kyle muffled a high pitched sound in his throat. “Nice to meet you.”
“Detective Goldman.” Jonah shot Kyle a baffled look of his own whilst he shook Louise’s hand – the guy seemed to be more highly strung than the average race horse and that just couldn’t be healthy. His face creased in a secretive smile when he wondered what it would take to get Kyle to make that high pitched noise again - he bet it would be interesting to find out.
Louise , wondering why Kyle and Megan were acting like they were perpetrators of a crime instead of victims, smiled absently back and then froze, her eyes rounding in her face. The twist of Jonah’s full mouth and the sly glint in his eyes as he looked sidelong at Kyle was familiar somehow. The last time she had seen it Shea had been conducting a stealth attack on a bag of corn chips someone had left carelessly lying open at toddler level. She stared some more and then her jaw dropped as she turned her head to blink in dawning comprehension at the back of Shea’s head, still buried in Megan neck. “Oh!” Dropping Jonah’s hand like it had burnt her, Louise took a hasty step back in shocked understanding. “Oh my God!”
“Huh?” Jonah frowned when he looked back at the nanny and saw she was staring at him like she’d just seen a ghost. “You okay?”
“Uh-huh.” Louise nodded frantically, well aware of the absence of Shea’s other father in his life, even if she didn’t know the exact circumstances. “I, uh, just re...relieved th..th...that you ca...caught...the...the....” She sent Kyle a helpless look and then turned her bugging eyes back on Jonah. “I...we....um.”
Lopez narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “You take anything today, miss?” She looked Louise over from head to toe, taking in the dyed hair and emo clothing and evidently drawing Dire Conclusions. “You got anything on you that you shouldn’t?”
“No!” Louise looked offended and terrified all at once. “Of co...course not! Th...that’s ri...ri...ri....”
“ Louise,” Kyle interrupted before the poor girl spontaneously combusted on the spot. “You’d better get Shea back, it’s nearly time for his nap.” He was very proud his voice only trembled slightly as he plucked his

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