A Memory Away
acknowledgement from her partner she stalked out, punching in a number on her speed dial as the door banged shut behind her. “ Lee,” She balanced the phone between her shoulder and ear as she unlocked the car and pulled open the door. “Need you to check some information for me. There’s a file on Jonah’s desk, marked Gerritsen. When you get a minute check his kid’s listed birth date and get back to me, okay? And Lee?” Lopez looked back towards the shop and where she could see Jonah standing near Kyle and speaking to him with a small smile on his face. “You need to keep this on the down low until I say otherwise, okay? Thanks.”
She sn apped the phone closed, dropped her head forward and squeezed her eyes shut. “Fuck, fuck, fuck .” She slammed back in her seat and pounded her closed fists on the top of the steering wheel, breathing, “That’s just fucking insane.” She looked back into the shop for once praying with all her might that her normally excellent gut instincts were wrong and there was a possibility that she was inadvertently high instead of the Gerritsen kid’s nanny. She cast her mind back over the times she had met Gerritsen and his almost ridiculously skittish behaviour around her partner and felt the cold ball of anger inside condense into one of icy rage as her suspicions deepened with each passing second.  She bounced a fist off the steering wheel again. “Goddamn it, Gerritsen, if I’m right about this I am going to fuck you the hell up.”
Inside the shop Jonah barely noticed Lopez’s departure. If he had thought that Kyle was cute when he was nervous and shy then Kyle being protective and furious was pretty much the hottest thing he had ever seen. He shoved his hands back in his pockets and tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. “Was beginning to think you missed your turn when it came to getting a pair, Gerritsen. I’m impressed.”
Kyle , still angry over the insulting insinuations to Louise and shaky from Jonah unwittingly being so close to their shared child, barely bit back the retort that if anyone should know it would be Jonah and narrowed his eyes. “Was there anything else, detective?”
Jonah couldn’t help his grin at the tone of icy dismissal in Kyle’s voice and really wanted to pull him out back to the office and do filthy things to him until he couldn’t remember how to anything but beg for harder and more. “Actually, yeah.” He cut his eyes to Megan still hovering nervously behind Kyle and said, “You mind taking off and giving us a minute?”
Megan blinked at him and then looked worriedly at Kyle. He took a deep breath and nodded before giving her a reassuring, if rigid, smile. She looked searchingly at his face for a moment before reluctantly nodding her agreement. “Sure.” She looked warningly at Jonah. “I’ll just be out back.” Giving Kyle’s arm a supportive squeeze as she turned away, she added pointedly, “With the office door open.”
Jonah looked after her as she stalked off and called out, “If you’re getting out your shotgun it’d better be registered!” He grinned at Kyle when Megan glared back at him before stomping out of sight and said confidently, “She totally wants me.”
Fighting back an unwilling smile – not least because Megan would string him up by his recently proven balls if she thought he was taking sides with Jonah – Kyle raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow and said pointedly, “You said there was something else you wanted?”
Taking a moment to try and find the right words, Jonah also took a moment to control the urge to wrap his hands around Kyle’s throat and strangle the superior right out of him. Hot he may find the man, but there was no doubt that he had personality issues out the ass. He hesitated a little more, wondering if Kyle was really worth the effort, and then he remembered his almost constant dreams of Kyle under his hands, smooth skin and hot breath and the feel of Kyle tight around

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