A Memory Away
son from Megan’s arms and pressed a kiss to the top of his sweet smelling head. “Bye, baby-boy. See you at home.” He handed the child to Louise and then turned to Lopez with a dangerous look on his face. “As for you, detective, I appreciate you coming down here to give us the information, but I will not allow you to insult my friend and the person I trust to care for my son. Louise is above reproach and if I hear another disgusting insinuation like that from your mouth I will be contacting your precinct when you leave and registering a complaint with your superiors, is that clear?”
Looking like they had been just been unexpectedly savaged by a teddy bear, Lopez and Jonah stared at Kyle with their mouths hanging open.
Kyle crossed his arms and tilted his chin in challenge, tapping his foot impatiently. Terrified and cowardly he might be when it came to telling Jonah about the existence of his son but no one bullied and insulted his friends on his watch. “I said, is that clear?”
“Uh, yeah.” Lopez blinked at Kyle with surprised respect. “Sure. Sorry.” She turned to Louise and frowned when she caught the other woman still staring at Jonah in stunned fascination. “Sorry about that. You can’t be too careful, right?”
Louise dragged her eyes away from Jonah and nodded distractedly. “Th...thank you.” She looked down at Shea’s face, now watching the strangers with interest, and then looked back at Jonah like she was a needle on a compass and he was due north. “It’s fine.”
Lopez narrowed her eyes sure to her well-shaped bones that something weird was going on here. She glanced at Jonah but he was too busy staring at Kyle like he wanted to throw him face down over the shop counter and didn’t much care that he had an audience that included the little guy’s infant son. Speaking of...Lopez looked back at where Louise was now bending down and fastening a mildly protesting Shea back into his stroller. She swayed forwards a little trying to see what was so damn special about the kid that the three weirdoes thought was worth freaking out over. She felt her confusion increase when she found herself looking at a pretty standard non-descript vaguely person shaped blob sitting grumpily whilst he was fastened into his seat. She cocked her head to the side and squinted, hoping that would bring things into focus. Nope, still standard issue vomit machine. Lopez straightened as Louise stood up and got behind the stroller to grip the handles so tight her knuckles showed white through her skin. “Nice kid.”
It was the desperate look of guilt in Jonah’s direction that did it. Louise nodded and squeaked, “Th..thanks. Bye. It was ni...nice to me...me....meet you.”
Lopez cast a look in Jonah’s direction and rolled her eyes to see him still eyeing Kyle like a lion weighing up a nice juicy steak - seriously, did the man think of nothing but his dick and where he was going to stick it next - and the world suddenly stopped in one moment of crystal clarity. 
Her head snapped back to stare down at Shea as he was wheeled towards and then past her at high speed by Louise and she took in his features and colouring – nothing like Kyle Gerritsen’s but bearing a striking resemblance to another person not a million miles from there. “Fuck me,” she breathed incredulously. “No fucking way .” She cast a quick look at Jonah and Kyle and then at Megan – reassured to see that the other woman was watching the two men worriedly and not paying attention to her – and reached for her cell in her pocket. “Hey, Goldman, wrap it up. We got places to be.” Now her suspicions had been raised, Lopez paid much closer attention to the reactions of Kyle and Megan and - unlikely though the outrageous conclusion was that she had just leapt to - a cold ball of anger started to grow in her gut when she saw unmistakable expressions of relief flood their faces. “I’ll meet you outside.”
Without bothering to wait for

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