36 Hours

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Book: 36 Hours by Anthony Barnhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Barnhart
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still safe—still alive—to get somewhere safe. The infected do not touch the water, and if you can get out onto a lake or in a river or on the ocean, you will not, if their traits do not change, become a victim. But please know that all the major islands of the ocean, from Hawaii to the Philippines, are fighting just as hard against the outbreak. The entire world is fighting—and losing. If you cannot reach any bodies of water, we desperately urge you to lock yourselves in your homes, offices, in your cars, or get away. Protect your family. And if someone---even a friend or family member—
    contracts the following symptoms, kill them and/or escape: these symptoms are purplish swelling of the skin, sinking eyes, folding lips, discoloration of the eyes and teeth, a hunched posture, and, psychologically, fluctuating emotions raging from amazingly passionate to gruesomely vicious before death. None have been known to go through the symptoms and win against it; you must get away.

    Les scratched his chin. “This is unbelievable. This can’t be happening.”
    I croaked under my breath, “Worldwide? This is happening everywhere?”
    Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia… Everywhere. No place was safe. Spring Falls and its little counterpart Clearcreek, Ohio were crumbling before our eyes. Our friends and brothers turned into beasts from Hell, and we could only pray we weren’t next on this terrible hit-list.
    Anthony Barnhart
    36 Hours

    The reporter flickered out to a camera feed from a barren, undisclosed location. A man in a black suit frowned into the camera, asking if he was on. After some muffled nods, he said into the camera, “This is Homeland Security Advisor Richard Lakota. What I am about to tell you has been put together over the last few hours as a survival guide and contains information based solely on what we currently know at this time.
    “We do not know where the infections originated from, though we are estimating the point of origin to be somewhere near the equator, since the spread began in areas such as South America and Africa. Cases of ‘unknown’
    illnesses have been filed over the last couple weeks, sparse, and not until now have they been severe. Doctors stating these cases say the symptoms are reminiscent of Epiglottitis, a disease found most often in young children.
    “Symptoms to look out for are as follows:” He held up a slip of paper and began to read it methodically. “In the face, there is a bluish-gray pastiness. The blood has thickened and veins are partially visible through lucent flesh. The eyes lack depth; the eye socket is somewhat sunken due to physiological reformation, resulting in a fixed stare. Dark rings directly below the eyes give subject an exhausted appearance, and the eyes have turned yellow due to the decaying of rods and cones, and have sunken into the sockets. In the mouth there is a visible thickness of tongue and darkening of the gum tissue, and there is an overly amount of drooling due to excessive salivary production; we believe the venom is passed through the saliva and into the bloodstream via the bites. In the chest the organs can somewhat be seen due to a thinning epidural layer above the rib cage. Dark, subcutaneous lesions can often be seen running along the arms and legs of the victims, then slowly to the rest of the body. The flesh of victims slowly takes on a purple haze and often excretes hormones in body oils. The reason for this is not known.
    “The amount of time until an infected person dies and reanimates depends on the size of the bite and its closeness to a major artery. One to five minutes after all vital systems end, reanimation occurs, and the subject will react with homicidal aggression. DO NOT GO NEAR ANY REANIMATED HUMANS. It is unclear whether or not this disease can be passed to animals.
    “The infected menacing society are clinically ‘dead’. The ‘turn’ only occurs after their passing. Reanimation is caused by the virus

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