36 Hours

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Book: 36 Hours by Anthony Barnhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Barnhart
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overtaking the dead brain and revitalizing it via electrical impulses, which bring to surface primal Anthony Barnhart
    36 Hours
    instincts and some decaying unconsciousness. This causes them to take on non- humane and unethical traits. The infected exhibit no signs of emotional response or memory of their former life. Do not be lulled by the concept that they are family members or friends: the person you knew is dead. The virus will not reanimate until the host has clinically died.
    “An infected can only be neutralized by destroying the brain; this can be done by piercing or cutting or decapitation. Firearms are the most effective weapons against reanimates. If none are available, improvise a weapon sturdy enough to pierce the skull or sharp enough to sever the head completely. Always aim for soft entry points: ear canal, eye socket, nostril, mouth, or underneath the chin.”

    Les walked over to me. “Chris King left, remember? Didn’t you get him in the head?”
    “No,” I said. “I pierced his neck. Not his head.”
    He glanced at the door. “The man you hurt with the tool, he’s still there. I think it’s because you pierced the brain.”
    “He didn’t get up?”
    “He’s still lying there.”

    “What to expect if bitten: depending on the severity of the bite, it may be seconds, minutes or hours before the victim ‘turns,’ succumbing to infection and reanimating. The virus travels in the saliva excreted during the bites; it is rumored to have to do with all body fluid, but THE DANGER IS ONLY IN THE
    BITE. If someone you know is bitten, immediately restrain and gag the victim securely before they lose consciousness. If uncertain, you will be able to see the symptoms before the victim loses unconsciousness unless they were killed in the biting attack. Once the victim reanimates, he or she must immediately be killed. If it is a friend or family member, do not hesitate – they are gone. Only the virus remains.
    “If you yourself have been bitten, it is no question that you are infected. A BITE IS A DEATH SENTENCE. If you are bitten and become reanimated, you will not only be a danger to all those near and dear, but an active contributor to the global plague. Whether or not you will be able to experience reanimation is unknown; some believe you exist on a much more primitive level, and others believe the infected are dead to themselves, the souls having passed to the hereafter. If you are religious, your friends and family are most likely NOT IN
    Anthony Barnhart
    36 Hours
    ANY WAY the reanimated. Nevertheless, if you have been bitten, the resolution is yours to decide. We recommend you take your own life, but this is entirely up to you.”

    Les ran a hand through oily hair. “I can’t…”
    Hannah eye-balled us. “What are we going to do?”
    Did I have an answer? Did Les have an answer?

    “Federal and State authorities stress the need to stay calm. They are urging respect for law and order. As quickly as you can, get off the streets, get into your homes, lock your doors and stay away from the windows. The federal agencies will be moving into troubled areas, it is just a matter of time; as you know, reserve units have been called up and are being sent to troubled spots in America. This is a minor, containable situation expected to be resolved in 24
    hours or less. State and local authorities, also, are urging neighborhoods to form clean and sweep teams to overcome any infected and down them immediately with a direct impact to the brain.”

    “That’s why Dylan was called up,” Hannah breathed.
    “Dylan was called up?” Dylan is Andrea’s brother; he’s been in the reserve for a few years, recently got back from Iraq – I wonder how things were holding up in Baghdad? By the look of earlier scenes, not too well.

    Throbbing echoes of an airplane careening overhead. A few moments, then it was gone. Fleeting.
    “What if this lasts forever?” Les breathed.
    I shook my head. “No way.

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