03 - You Only Live Nine Times

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Book: 03 - You Only Live Nine Times by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
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reports at the station and see if there has been any made about other cemeteries.”
    The doctor was wringing their hands, worrying about the human arms they had obtained.  It hadn’t been the plan to take any part of the human – they only wanted the shifter.
    “Grave not marked,” protested Igor, edgily.
    The doctor sighed and patted Igor’s arm, reassuring him that it was okay. No harm was done, and hopefully they had everything they needed for the procedure.  The doctor clapped their hands together almost like a seal.
    Igor grunted unenthusiastically, he had very mixed feelings about the procedure.  What would happen to him if it worked?  Would the doctor still need him?
    Raf smirked as Isis grunted and slapped another file into the ‘no good’ pile.  She readjusted her long body again; this time putting her feet up on the desk.  He guessed she wasn’t an indoor kitty .
    They’d been trawling through files for the past hour and hadn’t come across anything of interest.  Unless you count the flasher, who was going around revealing his bits at bingo parlors.  By all accounts the guy was in his seventies, so he had a target audience.  Amazingly, after six incidents, he still hadn’t been caught, but that might have something more to do with the fact that no one enjoyed arresting elderly, naked men.
    Isis drummed her fingers on the desk, trying to put off reaching for a new report to read.  “Have the families of our dead victims been notified?”
    Raf tossed his own file into the pile.  “No, the captain said not to unless we get any proof that it’s personal.  He doesn’t see how the family could help at this stage.”
    “Yeah, he’s probably right.”  She yawned and stretched her arms over her head, exposing an expanse of her taut, creamy stomach, not to mention her tiny navel, which just begged to be kissed… 
    Abruptly, he stood.  “I’m going to get a drink; you want anything?”
    She gave him a knowing smile and for a second he panicked that she could read his mind.  Or in particular, she knew the dirty thoughts he was having about her belly button of all things.  “I won’t say no to coffee.”
    “How do you take it?”
    Isis flashed her teeth and ran her tongue over them.  “Oh, a million retorts to answer that come to mind, but I’ll be boring and just say black, two sugars.”
    Raf raised an eyebrow.  “You?  Boring?  I’ll be back in a few minutes.”  After a trip to the bathroom to put his head under cold water.  Or maybe just splash cold water onto his dick.  He needed something to cool him down. 
    “I’ll be here, trying to stay awake.”
    As he stepped out the file room, he ran straight into Georgia and let out a yelp that he was not proud of at all, and sincerely hoped that Isis hadn’t heard.  “Jeez, Georgia, you scared the crap out of me.”
    “Having fun?” she asked, grimly.
    Raf cocked his head to one side.  “About as much fun as I have on any case.”  Liar, liar pants on fire .
    “I very much doubt that Detective Johnson is quite so flirty or dresses half as sluttily.”  Her mouth puckered unattractively in disgust.
    “Probably a good thing, Johnson’s married, and I don’t wanna get involved with a married man who’ll just break my heart.”
    “You think this is some kind of joke?” cried Georgia.  “You think the way that shifter bitch is behaving is okay?”
    Raf peered through the window back into the file room and saw Isis flipping through a new report.  He took one of Georgia’s elbows and led her down the corridor.  “Okay, you need to take it way down.  Isis is working as my partner and she deserves your respect.”
    “She’s flirting with you.  It’s disgusting.”
    He couldn’t deny her flirting, although from seeing her interaction with her boss earlier he had a bad feeling that she behaved that way with everyone.  And that really fucking pissed him off.  Not because he disliked it

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