03 - You Only Live Nine Times

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Book: 03 - You Only Live Nine Times by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
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the door behind her and passed Isis her coffee.
    “Jeez, Raffy , watch yourself around her.  She wants you.”  She tried to laugh about it, to make it seem like she was teasing, but she wasn’t.  She.  Was.  Pissed.
    “Well, yeah, I can tell,” he said, awkwardly.
    Ms. Kitty snorted.  “No, I mean, she really wants you.  She’s virtually gagging for you to bend her over and boink her brains out.”
    “Boink?  Now there’s a word you don’t hear very often.”
    “Yeah, I’m trying to make it popular again.  That and snog.”
    “Look, I know she’s interested in me…”
    “More than interested,” Isis insisted, “I can smell it.”  Stupid booby mcbitch face!
    Raf looked at her quizzically.  “What can you smell?”
    “Her arousal.  She’s creaming her panties for you.”  And it damn well should not be allowed.  Perhaps she needed to arrest Georgia…
    “Please, you can’t smell that,” he said with a chuckle as he sipped at his coffee.
    Isis smirked at the cocky assuredness in his voice.  Oh, he really had no idea.
    Raf paled ever so slightly.  “You can smell that?”
    “Sure, all shifters can scent arousal.”
    He looked as guilty as if he’d just been caught stealing his neighbor’s panties.  “So if I happened to be thinking of…”
    “Let’s just say working with you is very flattering to my ego.”
    Raf started pacing up and down the room, unable to look her in the face.  “Fuck, you didn’t think to warn me?”
    Isis blinked at him.  “Would it have made a difference?”  Would he have tried thinking about baseball or sandwiches to quell his lust?  Because she’d tried both of those things, and neither worked.
    “Well, I uh, I guess not.  I mean…”
    “There’s no reason to be embarrassed.  Being attracted to one another is the most natural thing in the world.”  Just like kissing and having sex were very, very natural, and necessary.  Not to mention mating…  Oh, shush Ms. Kitty!
    He stopped and stared at her with a crooked grin, his dimples deepening.  “So you admit you’re attracted to me?”
    “Absolutely,” she answered without hesitation.  It wasn’t something she found shameful.  The only question was, whether they were going to do anything about their attraction.  Her mind told her to back away slowly, so no one got hurt. But her heart and her body said go for it.  While her tiger told her to ravish him senseless.  Yes, the beast was making no bones about that .
    “Uh, thanks.”
    “You’re welcome,” she told him prettily while fluttering her eyelashes.
    “Maybe we should get back to work.”
    She agreed, perhaps they were straying onto a dangerous topic.  They worked in silence for another twenty minutes.  The quiet was only punctuated by Isis huffing and puffing and making gagging noises at the awful coffee – although, she still drank it.
    After a while, Raf leaned back in his chair.  “Can I ask you something?”
    “Anything,” Isis purred.  Oh, this was promising.
    He dithered for a second before blurting it out.  “Is the tooth fairy real?”
    Definitely not what she was expecting, and her tiger grunted in disappointment, but she managed to rally.  “Not real,” she told him evenly.  “Although, we caught a guy a few months ago who was stealing children’s teeth.  He thought he was the tooth fairy, but it turns out he was having a psychotic break.”
    “Wow.  Shifter?”
    Raf leaned forward, eagerly.  “Zombie?  You’re serious?  Like a real-life brain eating zombie?”
    Damn, he looked like a kid at Christmas.  “Yep, minus the brain eating – they don’t go in for that usually.  But it explains the psychotic break.  To wake up dead and realize you’re still walking around, it’s enough to fuck anyone up.  The whole teeth thing kind of made sense given that he was a dentist when he was alive.”
    “I’m still having trouble with the whole zombie thing.”

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