03 - You Only Live Nine Times

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Book: 03 - You Only Live Nine Times by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
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or wanted her to stop, but because he didn’t want anyone else to enjoy her playful attentions.
    “Even if she is, it’s not important.  C’mon Georgia, you’re hardly a stranger to flirting yourself.  You have half the precinct panting after you.”  The half who weren’t familiar with her personality.
    “I don’t turn into a fucking wild animal.  She’s a goddamn half-breed.  It’s not normal!”
    He tensed and willed his rising ire to abate.  “I don’t want to hear you talk about her or any other shifter that way,” he said lowly.
    Georgia flinched a little from the edge in his voice, but she soon rallied and gave him an unpleasant smile.  “Well, maybe you just like fucking animals.  Pervert!”
    She flounced away, and Raf watched her go.  She could think whatever the hell she wanted about him – he didn’t exactly hold her opinion in high esteem.  This was a woman who voiced the opinion that people were just making a big fuss over nothing when it came to blood diamonds, and that mental illnesses didn’t really exist.  But, he didn’t like her talking badly about Isis.  Yes, she was a big, tough tigress, whose physical strength and speed far outweighed his own, but damn if a part of him didn’t want to curl her into his arms and protect her from the outside world.  He scrubbed a hand over his face.  It was probably best he didn’t mention that impulse to Isis.  In his experience, women didn’t exactly love the whole caveman act.
    Isis smacked her lips together as she applied another coat of lipstick.  She didn’t have to see her guest to know she was there.  “Selling girl scout cookies, sweetie?”
    The young blonde gasped as Isis turned to face her.  “Oh don’t look so surprised, even if I didn’t have an excellent sense of smell, I could scent your perfume a mile away.”  Plus, Ms. Kitty had excellent bitch-dar .  Yes, this wasn’t going to be a social call.
    The blonde folded her arms over her impressive bust and Isis inwardly sighed.  That was one area where she was a little lacking.  “You should stay away from Raffy.”
    “And why would I do that?” she enquired calmly, even as her tiger howled at her to scratch this bitch’s eyes out.
    She seemed to struggle to answer for a few moments before triumph gleamed in her eyes.  “He just broke up with his girlfriend recently.  The last thing he needs is for you to trampling all over him while he’s so fragile.”
    Ms. Kitty almost rolled around laughing at that, but Isis kept herself in check.  “Yes, Raffy does give off the impression of being a delicate flower, doesn’t he?”  Ha, as if!
    Her face puckered in frustration, and it was not pretty.  “He’s too good for a thing like you.”
    Isis curled her claws into her palms.  Words like it and thing had been used against her numerous times as a child.  Human children weren’t interested in a girl with a tiger father, and the tiger cubs saw her as being defective for having a human mother.  They soon shut up when they met Ms. Kitty .  But all of the taunting and teasing, not to mention stones they threw, meant nothing to her.  This, however, being told she wasn’t worthy of her… ah … guy she really, really liked – the word mate was still a bit too hard to swallow – was akin to pulling on her tail and blowing raspberries at her.  Isis rose to her full height, and her tiger squared her shoulders readying to pounce and… Raf strolled through the door holding two cups of coffee.
    “Georgia, what are you doing in here?”  The blonde looked at her feet sullenly.  “Everything okay?” he asked, warily, his eyes seeking Isis’.
    “Fine.”  Isis beamed at him as a wave of calm spread from her nose to her toes.  Just his presence was enough to soothe her, beast and all.  Indeed, Ms. Kitty was already sprawled out begging for a belly rub.
    Georgia muttered a goodbye and left, blushing and throwing Isis a dangerous look.  Raf closed

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