You Can't Help Who You Love

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Book: You Can't Help Who You Love by Tierra Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tierra Hopkins
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some shit is going to go wrong,” she told me, rubbing on her belly.
    “We can’t think like that. We are going to have this baby and continue on raising our kids and live our lives. You can’t think of the negative. Always think positive. As long as you placed the shit in God’s hands, then you have to believe that everything is going to pan out how it should,” I told her. I didn’t need her feeling any kind of way about anything. We didn’t need the extra stress. “I’m here and we going to get through this shit together,” I told her, kissing her neck. I didn’t pray, but I believed in God, no doubt. He is the reason for all my accomplishments.
    “Just promise me this one thing. If it came down to it and something were to happen, just promise me that you would choose our child,” she told me, turning to look into my eyes. Hearing her say that, broke my heart.
    “I can’t lose you. You’re my strength, my backbone; I won’t lose you. There will always be a time for us to continue having kids. I can’t make that promise,” I told her. It sounded bad but really, I couldn’t see life without my Elaine in it. She had been my light when shit was dark. Every time I needed to talk, she was there. Besides being a wife, she was my best friend and it had been that way for years.
    “Just promise me. I know it’s a talk you don’t want to have, but we got to. This baby is coming and if it boiled down to it, choose her. I’ve lived my life and I’m happy. I just want to be able to let my daughter experience life like I did. She should at least have a fighting chance,” she told me.
    “Whatever,” I replied, not wanting to talk about the shit no more. Little did she know, my mind was made up. That very same night, she had gone into labor. I instantly knew something was wrong because she was bleeding profusely. I thought she was being lazy to get up and use the bathroom and had pissed on herself. Sometimes, she couldn’t make it to the bathroom, but it didn’t bother me. I only loved her more for going through all of this shit. I woke up, only to see our sheets filled with blood.
    “Elaine, baby! Get up! We have to get you to the hospital!” I yelled. She jumped up, but she was in pain, so she immediately laid back down.
    “De’Nardo, baby, it’s time,” she told me with tears in her eyes.
    “Woman! Don’t start that shit. Come on, so we can go deliver our daughter,” I barked. I didn’t mean to snap, but I couldn’t have these thoughts in my head. After I sent Justin and Carter to a girlfriend of one of my workers, I sped off.  I got to the hospital in the record time of seven minutes. I was snapping as I watched them wheel my wife into the ER. I was by her side the entire way. I looked down at her and didn’t see any ounce of fear, just love.
    “I love you De’Nardo, forever and a day, to infinity and beyond,” she told me, blowing me a kiss. I knew in my heart that would be the last time I saw her alive. The doctors wouldn’t let me in the room and I was nutting all the way up. After three hours, twenty minutes, and two seconds, (yes I was counting) the doctor came out and informed me that my wife had indeed died on the delivery table. She offered me a hug and condolences, but I wasn’t hearing that shit.
    “Take me to her. Right now!” I yelled at the doctor. Not meaning it, but I was hurt. Seeing her laid there in her own blood brought tears to my eyes.
    “Sir, you really can’t be in here,” the doctor told me, trying to usher me out of the room. I snatched my body away from her and walked over to my wife. My sweet, caring, loveable wife. I stared down at her skin, which looked ashened.
    “I love you, Elaine. You will always be my heart and I will never allow a woman to get me the way you did. Rest peacefully. I love you,” I said, leaning down to kiss her lips. I stood there for a while, getting my mind together before the doctor interrupted me.
    “Your daughter made it;

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