Writing Mr. Right

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Book: Writing Mr. Right by Michaela Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michaela Wright
sensation. The same loud crack came, coupled with an even stronger sting as he smacked her ass again. She gasped in response.
    His hand instantly returned to the sore spot, rubbing and soothing the sting away. “I told ye to keep watching me.”
    “I know, I’m sorry!”
    “Don’t apologize. Just do as you’re told.”
    She laughed freely, her chest pressed to the tabletop. “Oh, you cocky bastard.”
    He bent down and kissed the sore spot on her backside, then ran his fingers over it again. The sting was fading to a constant burn, making each graze of his fingers sing. She wriggled her ass from side to side, teasing him.
    “Holy fuck, I doubt I’ve ever been this hard in my life.”
    She beamed back at him. Her confidence was building and she couldn’t help but smile at these words. She reached back to touch him. He took her hand, placing it squarely on his cock, which was as rigid and smooth as alabaster. She gasped to feel him, running her fingertips over the smooth skin at the head of him.
    “My god, you’re gonna get it.”
    Suddenly he pressed his foot to the inside of her ankle, forcing her to step out. Then the other. Her legs were wide now, her belly pressed firmly to the table top. He ran his hand over her ass, then up between her legs, slipping his fingers against her as she held her breath.
    “I don’t know if I can be gentle with ye, Georgia.”
    She took a sharp breath, then swallowed. “I don’t want you to.”
    She felt his weight on her back as he bent to her ear, tucking her hair aside as he whispered. “If ye need me to stop, just tell me.”
    She nodded, feeling his fingers dig into her hips, lifting her to meet him. Despite the foreign feel of him, his touch betrayed a gentle concern. Even as he slapped her ass, he followed with soft reassurance. She didn’t doubt for a moment that if she needed him to stop, he would.
    The head of his cock pressed against her, then slid home. She arched her back, shrieking in response to the sudden invasion. It had been so long since she’d felt this sensation, it almost hurt to take him. He pressed into her as deep as her body would allow, then retreated, his fingers curled into her hips.
    “Holy mother of fuck,” he said.
    He thrust again, still slow and deliberate, but he drilled a little deeper this time, making her brace against him. Another retreat, then as he pulled her toward him, he pushed himself to the hilt, letting her cry out in near pain.
    “Tell me ye want me, beautiful.”
    She gasped, bracing for another thrust. She nodded, but nodding wasn’t good enough for him.
    He thrust again, then grabbed her arms, pulling her upright. He turned her face to him, pinning her back to his chest as he pressed his lips to her cheek. “Tell me. I need tae hear ye say it.”
    “I want you, Garrett. I want you so fucking much.”
    “Ye do?”
    He moved inside her slowly, as though learning his way. “Because I want ye too, Georgia. God, I want ye.”
    She could hear the need in his voice, feel it in the way his hands explored her.
    She kissed him. “Show me.”
    He almost whimpered at these words, and answered by thrusting into her. She turned her head sharply, baring her teeth, and bit his jaw. He grabbed her by the hair, turning her to meet his eyes.
    He moved with purpose then, pinning her down onto the table. Then he kicked her legs even wider, and buried himself in her. She screamed, but her cries were only rewarded by more thrusts, these in fast procession, growing in purpose. The table shook beneath them, its heavy legs grating against the floorboards.
    He stood to full height, taking hold of her hips and pounding into her as she braced herself, screaming in response. She tried to move her feet, get her legs sturdy beneath her, but he spanked her ass hard, and kicked her legs aside again. The only thing keeping her upright was the table.
    “Fuck, I’m gonna lose it.”
    She turned to see his face, his lips parted, his brow

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