HASH: Human Alien Species Hybrid

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Book: HASH: Human Alien Species Hybrid by April M. Reign Read Free Book Online
Authors: April M. Reign
Dr. Stevens’ eyes before she stood in front of me and leaned down, pressing her lips against the top of my head. That was the first time she had ever kissed me.

Chapter Six
    I sat in my room and waited. There wasn’t much else I could do. Even Em was being quiet, sitting over by the wall and barely acknowledging my existence. She was obviously still upset with me for telling Dr. Stevens that Aric and I were planning to escape.
    In all honesty, it wasn’t a bright idea. I knew that now, but I was angry when I’d lashed out and told Dr. Stevens of our plans.
    Things had changed drastically since Startech had taken over two weeks ago. My tutor had stopped coming and my college education was no longer at the forefront of their plans.
    Professor Ahern wanted to push Aric and I together, create some atmosphere that would spark a love interest without actually knowing if we’d be interested in each other. I guess she figured we’d experienced no one else, so putting us together was the first step.
    While Em sifted through the data stored on the institution’s hard drive, she claimed to have found highly confidential stuff. She was angry with me now, so she’d decided not to tell me, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it to herself for too long. Em was like me—neither of us could keep a secret.
    I sat down against the wall next to Em in hopes that we could discuss the situation. The image of her flickered to the far wall as she stood with her back toward me.
    “Em, stop that. I want to talk to you.”
    She sighed and flickered back into place next to me. “What?”
    “I’m sorry.”
    “You should be. It isn’t just your life at stake here.”
    I nodded. Em was right, I really shouldn’t have told Dr. Stevens what we had planned. “I was angry and I was out of line, but ignoring me only makes me feel worse.”
    “I’m sure it does.”
    I sighed. “There’s so many changes going on right now, I don’t know what to believe.”
    “You need to believe what I tell you and show you, Jade. I’m not your enemy. I need you to survive.”
    “Good, because I have something important to tell you. Something I found out.”
    “What now?”
    “Startech is giving you and Aric two weeks to form some kind of a sexual union and conceive a child.”
    “Two weeks?”
    “If they don’t see progress, their next move is to artificially inseminate you.”
    “What?! They wouldn’t! They couldn’t.”
    “They will, Jade. You think you can handle knowing their entire agenda?”
    I swallowed hard and wondered if I could. How could I not know? Why would I leave the fate of my life in their hands when Startech only wanted to destroy me? “Go ahead.”
    “When a Ceren being is about to die, they can transfer their organism to another. It’s the way that their memories stay alive and in some odd way, a way that they can live on. Aric’s mother gave you her royal memories, her organism and because she died without it, they dissected her and learned about how it attached to the nervous system of its host.”
    “When you say it , we’re talking about you, right, Em?”
    “I suppose. My knowledge is limited, but the scientist at this facility and the ones that were part of the HAP project documented everything. What they know, I now know.”
    “Okay, go on.”
    “There was an explosion on board the ship, something malfunctioned and when Aric’s father went back to the control room, he was caught in a fire that…well…killed him. When the metal is without a host, it attaches to and seeps into anything else metal.”
    “So, his organism attached to the ship and seeped into the control panels.”
    “How would this Institute know all of this?”
    “In another part of this facility is the actual ship and they’ve spent sixteen years dissecting it piece by piece, swarf by swarf.”
    “They found his father’s organism?”
    She shook her head. “What they found out is that the ship won’t

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