Writing Mr. Right

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Book: Writing Mr. Right by Michaela Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michaela Wright
tussled hair spiked above his smiling face. “Pub’s just along the road there.”
    “My underwear. I left them in the shop.”
    He snorted, raised an eyebrow and glanced around the quiet street. “Did ye, now?”
    Garrett pulled her into a nearby close and with a wry smile, began to hike up her dress again.

    Woman In White – Page 32
    Douglas wrapped the rope around his calloused fingers and in two fluid movements, tied a perfect knot at my wrists. I glared up at the green eyed bastard and when he shot me a grin, I spit at his feet.
    “You can’t keep me here! I’m a passenger on Her Royal Navy’s ship, The Olympus! They’ll come looking for me.”
    He raised an eyebrow, appraising me. It wasn’t a lie. He didn’t need to know how I came to no longer be a passenger on the Olympus, by any means.
    “Tell me, lass. Did ye jump willingly, or did they cast ye off?”
    I set my jaw. “Neither.”
    Douglas MacCready crouched down before me and gave the ropes at my wrists a tug. I watched his hand with careful consideration. He had strong hands, and I knew if I tried to fight him now, those hands could very well snap my neck. He turned his right hand over and I saw the puckering of the skin across his knuckles; a long white and jagged line. I flinched at the sight. Surely he’d earned that mark by a sword or a whip, some violent altercation that left the other man far worse for having met him.
    He chuckled, gesturing to the mark on his hand. “Looks as bad as it was. I’ll let ye guess how I got it, then, ae?”
    Garrett woke with the sun, a strange sight for a February morning in Scotland. He’d forgotten to close the blackout curtains the night before, and the white walled room was quickly growing brighter with each passing moment. He breathed deep, tucking the comforter up over his chest.
    The gentle touch of long fingers sliding over his stomach reminded him why he’d been too distracted the night before to close the curtains. He felt her breasts pressed to his bare back, and one of her legs slid over his.
    He smiled, then reached for Georgia’s hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. “I’ve never been the little spoon before. It’s rather nice.”
    Georgia pressed her lips to his shoulder. “Really? Well, then -” She squeezed him tighter, and he let out a satisfied groan. She released him and pulled her hand from his, dragging her nails over his back in a soft scratching motion. He fought to remember any other woman who had given him a back scratch of her own accord. It seemed this was a morning of firsts.
    “Christ, that feels good.”
    She scratched him for a couple more minutes, then slumped back onto her pillow, releasing him. He felt almost cold.
    “Alright, you’re turn,” she said, and began ruffling the covers as she made a grand show of rolling over onto her side. She watched him over her shoulder as he groaned in submission, turning over to slide up behind her. She wriggled back into him, and he almost winced as her backside pressed against his usual morning erection. She pulled his arm around her, politely pretending not to feel it.
    Georgia held his hand over her breasts, pulling him as close as she could, groaning and fidgeting in a show of morning discomfort. He laughed, pushing her hair out of his face. She smelled like soap and shampoo – and something else; jasmine, he thought. He mirrored her legs with his own, making sure as much of his bare skin was touching hers. Finally, she settled in his arms.
    “What time do ye have tae catch the train?” He asked.
    She gave an almost whining sound. “Do you have to bring that up so early?”
    “I’m sorry, love.”
    He rubbed his stubbled chin against her shoulder, thinking about the things he was doing to her the last time he had her in his arms like this. He was glad his groin was pressed to her backside. Otherwise, his cock might’ve jumped.
    “My assistant said

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