As the World Dies

Read Online As the World Dies by Rhiannon Frater - Free Book Online

Book: As the World Dies by Rhiannon Frater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhiannon Frater
Tags: Science-Fiction, Horror, Adult, Young Adult, Anthologies
made it to an area nearby. It was hard for him to believe she had walked miles and miles to get to the house. So far, the zombies didn't seem capable of deductive reasoning. He seriously doubted they even remembered their lives. So that meant the car was nearby.
        He could feel his legs getting wobbly with the thought of taking the risk, but no zombies had shown up last night. If things had gone down badly in the community center, they would be trapped inside the building.
        He took a deep breath and rubbed the side of his nose nervously.
        He could walk down the driveway and see if the car was somewhere along the way. If it was intact, they could use that instead of the ATV to escape. It would be safer.
        Maybe Brandy had seen the solider, not realized he was dead, stopped for help and…
        That was always a possibility.
        Pepe finished his business and kicked his back feet over the mess. It didn't do much to cover it, but Pepe seemed to think it helped. Skipping to the edge of his leash, the dog looked around then began to sniff at a statue.
        If the dog seemed calm, then it should be okay.
        Eric took a deep breath and looked down at the revolver in his hand. This was a better weapon. Faster. More destructive. He would aim for the head and it would be fast.
        His stomach coiling into knots, he looked back at the closed door to the farmhouse.
        The car would be good.
        He started walking down the stone path to the parking lot. Pepe groused a little as he was pulled away from his smelling, but he followed. Eric's loafers crunched across the gravel parking lot as Pepe skipped along, his tiny feet expertly maneuvering over the rougher parts. Once they hit the paved road, Pepe began to dash about excitedly, sniffing every spot on the road it seemed, but he didn't bark and he didn't seem alarmed.
        Eric walked briskly, the cool morning air soothing against his fevered flesh. His nerves were on edge and he could feel his body temperature rising. Swallowing hard, he tried not to panic and kept focused on moving down the walkway. The trees lining the road were full of singing birds and the branches swayed with the breeze in a soothing dance.
        But he knew he could not relax, he could not drop his guard.
        Pepe suddenly growled and Eric spun around, the gun raised instantly.
        A squirrel tittered angrily at Pepe then scampered up a tree.
        Pepe barked after it with satisfaction then looked at Eric's tense face as if to say "What?"
        "No barking at squirrels, Pepe. Zombies only!" Eric lowered his hand and took a deep breath.
        Pepe looked a bit disappointed with this order and turned and kicked his feet up at Eric in disapproval.
        They moved on down the road, along the curve, losing sight of the house. Eric's heart began to thud harshly in his chest and his hands felt cold and clammy.
        "A car is a good thing," he muttered and kept walking.
        He had to keep focused on the goal. The goal was safe passage.
        They rounded another corner and the trees on the right hand side of the road gave way to a long sloping view down a field full of bluebonnets to the town at the bottom of the hill. Fumbling for his binoculars around his neck, he took a deep breath.
        "Lets see what is going on," he said.
        The main street swam into view as he peered through the magnifying lenses and the street was devoid of any life. He scanned it carefully, studying every doorway to the shops, the shadows, and the visible parking areas. Nothing moved. He slid his gaze along the street up

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