Read Online WRECKED: GODS OF CHAOS MC, BOOK FOUR by Honey Palomino - Free Book Online

Book: WRECKED: GODS OF CHAOS MC, BOOK FOUR by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
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    “Yes, it’s located between the Decatur and Lopez Islands in the archipelago of the one hundred and seventy islands that make up the San Juan Islands. It’s his own private perverted paradise. He keeps dozens of girls living there, making them available to his friends anytime they want. Usually, they’re flown there on his private jet where he holds lavish, decadent parties that cater to their every whim. Most of their whims happen to be sex with young girls.”
    “Where does he get his money?” Slade asked.
    “He’s an investment advisor. He counsels the richest of the rich on where to put their money. Usually, that means most of it goes right in his pocket.”
    “Where does he get the girls?” Riot asked.
    “Lots of different places. Mostly, he buys them from other traffickers, they get passed around a lot. Sometimes, he sends people out to recruit them - picks up runaways at train stations or off the streets. Brings them back, cleans them up and gives them lots of empty promises, if they’ll just be nice to his friends. Most of the time, the girls have nowhere else to go. They’re just kids, really.”
    “You were just a kid, too,” Grace said gently. I met her gaze and tears sprang to my eyes again.
    “Yes, I know,” I said, swallowing hard. “But I’m not anymore. I want to help these girls. I want to bring Royce and his friends down. I hate the fact that I haven’t done anything. All these years!” I exclaimed, my voice rising, anger rushing through my veins. Anger at Royce, but also anger at myself. “I wish I had done something sooner.”
    “We want to help you, Vanessa,” Grace said, “but I want you to realize something that’s very important. You were a victim. None of this was your fault, do you understand? There’s nothing you could have done on your own, you said it yourself. They would have killed you.”
    “Yes, they would have,” I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks.
    “It wasn’t your fault, Vanessa,” she repeated firmly. “You need to believe that. You need to forgive yourself, because you didn’t do anything wrong. You were just doing what you had to do to survive. And look how strong you are now! Look how far you’ve come. Look where you are now - right here, with us, free from him and his abuse, and what are you doing? Are you running? Are you trying to put it all behind you and forget it? No, you’re out and the first thing you want to do is help get those girls to safety with no regard for your own well-being.” She paused and I let her words sink in. “That doesn’t sound like a victim to me. Not anymore. Listen, Vanessa, it took a lot of strength and courage to do what you’ve done. Remember that. Nobody can take that away from you. Not Royce, not us, not even yourself. You are strong and resilient, most survivors are, that’s how we’ve survived.”
    “We?” I asked.
    “Yes, definitely we. I’m a survivor. Lacey’s a survivor. All of us sitting around this table have gone through some horrendous things and we’re all here with the same mission. To help those that can’t help themselves. Because we’ve all been there, Vanessa. We all need someone in our lives. Let us be that for you now and you can be that for someone else later.”
    I nodded through my tears and Slade reached over, handing me a crumpled up red bandana.
    “It’s clean,” he said, smiling at me. I took it from him gratefully, wiping my cheeks and doing my damnedest to stop the tears.
    “I can’t thank you all enough,” I said.
    “You’ve already thanked us. And you’re welcome. It’s our job to save women like you, Vanessa. You’re here now and we’re going to figure this out together, okay?” Grace said.
    “Okay,” I answered, looking around at all of them again. I was usually terrible with names, but each of them was so distinctive and unique that I remembered them all. Grace had taken me around, quickly introducing me to everyone once I’d arrived.

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