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Book: WRECKED: GODS OF CHAOS MC, BOOK FOUR by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
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future, however I could. I hadn’t thought much about what my future held before now, never being able to see past escaping, but my horizon was getting a little brighter and bigger with every minute that passed.
    Grace hugged me tightly before walking out, and we all slowly streamed out of the War Room and back into the living room of the club house. I was left standing there alone, awkwardness washing over me as I realized I had no idea what to do with myself. I walked out onto the empty porch, staring up at the tall, swaying pine trees overhead. I closed my eyes, inhaling the sweet clean scent of rain that was still lingering in the air.
    Footsteps sounded beside me and I opened my eyes and turned my head. My heart fluttered when I saw Wreck standing beside me, his gray eyes looking out towards the trees, too.
    “It’s beautiful out here,” I said, my voice soft and low and tinged with the underlying nervousness that had taken root in my gut.
    “It really is,” he said, nodding. “Want to take a walk?” he asked, turning and looking into my eyes. The similarities were so striking, they left me breathless. He looked just like Jesse, his eyes, his face, his lips, even his voice sounded similar, but what was I thinking?
    Jesse was a boy when I saw him last. Wreck was a man. His face was older than Jesse’s, his eyes darker, his expression harder, his face fuller, his body bigger and more defined, his arms slathered in tattoos and so huge that they looked like they could take down one of those trees if he needed to.
    No, he wasn’t Jesse. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind again, determined to leave my past exactly where it needed to be.
    “I’d love to take a walk,” I replied, mustering a smile.
    He nodded and began walking towards the woods, assuming I’d follow.
    And I did. But not without noticing the view that his tight Levi’s provided first.

    The sun was setting over the trees, but on a day like today, all that meant was that the sky slowly turned from dreary gray to an even drearier, darker gray until it would eventually fade into darkness. I loved days like this. Maybe it’s because I’m a native Oregonian, or maybe I’m just a miserable fuck, either way, it’s so much better to take than the sun beating down on you.
    The rain had let up hours ago, but the puddles still remained on the ground, turning the gravel and dirt beneath our feet into a thick muddy soup that we sloshed through. Rain dripped from the edges of the trees like water dripping from wet fingers. But it was the smell I loved the most. Wet, musky, the faint scent of mildew, even. Oregon rain had a way of cleansing away all the built up shit swimming around in my brain. After every good set of showers, I felt like a new man, even if only for a little while.
    “So you grew up in Oregon?” I asked Vanessa, who was walking at my side, her thoughtful green eyes sweeping over the trees. She’d just talked through some heavy shit, I figured small talk was in order at this point.
    “Yes, you?” she asked.
    “Yeah, born and raised,” I replied. “Probably never leave.”
    “No?” she asked. “You wouldn’t like to travel?”
    “Nah, what’s the point when I can’t even imagine a more beautiful place than this?”
    “Yeah…” she replied, her soft voice trailing off. I looked over at her, drinking in her beauty. She certainly had loads of it. In fact, her face was so perfectly sculpted, she almost didn’t look real. Her perfect skin had not a freckle or blemish anywhere I could see. Long, thick black lashes fringed her sky blue eyes, which I couldn’t help but notice were exactly the same shade that Frankie’s were, only a little darker. Her lush, pink lips appeared to suck the dew right out of the air they were so full. Her hair was long and thick, with heavy blonde waves cascading down her back. And she was tiny, so tiny - her petite frame almost frail.
    She may have

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