Abuud: the One-Eyed God

Read Online Abuud: the One-Eyed God by Richard S. Tuttle - Free Book Online

Book: Abuud: the One-Eyed God by Richard S. Tuttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard S. Tuttle
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult
chose Duke Engar's hand to reply to first?"
    "He wanted to see who Duke Engar would nominate," gasped Duke Zalski.
    "Precisely," nodded Duke Graves.
    "And he recognized that our hands went down when Duke Engar nominated Niki," scowled Duke Tredor. "Now he probably thinks we were a party to the assassination."
    "Exactly," nodded Duke Graves. "I have no doubt that she put the thought into the minds of our sons, but I refuse to be manipulated to the point of death by some aspiring woman. You claim she is rich, but I have it on good advice that her mansion was purchased by Duke Everich himself."
    "Duke Everich?" echoed Duke Zalski. "But that makes no sense. If Duke Everich wanted Niki on the Council then why didn't he let the nomination stand and then arrest Duke Engar?"
    "Perhaps because he realized that she is playing him for a fool as well," replied Duke Graves.
    "Maybe Duke Everich only assisted her father in securing the estate," offered Duke Tredor. "Her father inherited all of Stafa Rakech's wealth when he died. I doubt she needs to accept an estate from Duke Everich."
    "Stafa Rakech?" queried Duke Graves. "I am not sure where your information came from, but Stafa Rakech is not dead. How could her father have inherited anything?"
    "Not dead?" echoed Duke Tredor. "How can you be certain? Nobody has seen or heard of him in twenty years."
    "He does not like to draw attention to himself," replied Duke Graves. "I know for a fact that he resides here in Tagaret."
    "In Tagaret?" repeated Duke Zalski. "How do you know this?"
    "I was thinking about my own security," explained Duke Graves. "Last month two new mercenary companies opened in Tagaret and it got me thinking that they might be the answer to security. I visited each of their offices and inquired about the services they provide. While I was at the Grakus Mercenary Company I overheard a conversation about Stafa Rakech. I was curious so I dallied a while to see if I could hear what was said. They talked about Stafa Rakech ordering over a hundred men. At first I thought it must be a hoax, but they mentioned an address, and I took a ride later that day to check it out."
    "And what did you find?" questioned Duke Zalski.
    "I found an estate with over a hundred mercenaries guarding it," answered Duke Graves. "The guards refused to say whose estate it was, which is what I would expect. So I went to the Palace to see if I could trace the transaction records of the estate. Guess what I found?"
    "What?" begged Duke Tredor.
    "Duke Everich had already requested the same information," replied Duke Graves. "The clerks thought I was asking for some official Council business and let me peruse the report. He used some rather complicated transfers in an attempt to hide his ownership, but Stafa Rakech was the purchaser of the estate."
    "That means that Niki Forloe is an imposter," scowled Duke Tredor. "She told my son that her father was Stafa Rakech's only heir that the old man had died long ago."
    "And Duke Everich is the one promoting her," added Duke Zalski.
    "Yes," agreed Duke Graves. "I think it is time that Stafa Rakech was welcomed to the neighborhood."
    "The stories that I have heard indicate that he never sees anyone," commented Duke Zalski.
    "The Contest of Power is more than a game, gentlemen," declared Duke Graves as he stood to leave. "Our lives are on the line, and I am not going to be manipulated by the likes of Duke Everich and Niki Forloe. If Stafa Rakech can verify that Niki is a fraud then that information will be valuable to us. You may sit idle until tomorrow's meeting of the Council, but I plan to be prepared."
    Duke Zalski watched Duke Graves leave the dining room of the Palace Shadow before turning to Duke Tredor and asking, "What do you think? Do you trust Duke Graves, or is he trying to trap us?"
    "I do not even trust you," snarled Duke Tredor. "Trust is not something you extend to another councilor in Tagaret. Still, he made some valid points regarding what is going

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