All Grown Up

Read Online All Grown Up by Sadie Grubor - Free Book Online

Book: All Grown Up by Sadie Grubor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Grubor
caught watching the ‘situation’ with Jay. I think every time she saw me today I looked pissed off. When we were about to put in the second movie, she said good night to everyone and headed off to bed. It took everything for me not to get up and follow after her. What is it with her? Why do I feel like I need to be the champion boyfriend? I pulled Eve into a tighter grip against me to keep me seated.
    Before the end of the second movie , Eve had turned and said she was tired, so we said good night and headed to my room. I lay there next to her for an hour trying to use her slow steady breaths to fall asleep but my head wouldn’t stop. When I closed my eyes and exhaustion took over, I fell into a dream. Chloe was walking toward me in that bikini. She straddled my lap and placed her lips to mine. I was instantly hard and she moaned while grinding into me. As she reached around behind her to untie her top, I woke up panting heavily and sweating. I sat up with my feet on the floor trying to calm myself and noticed that I was at full mast and straining against my boxers. Fuck! I headed to the bathroom quietly, not wanting to wake Eve, grabbing a pair of shorts and t-shirt on the way.
    I jumped into the shower to calm down, but it wasn’t working. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her and my dick throbbed. I found myself grasping my dick and tugging up and down on it; thoughts of her going through my mind. The first time I saw her down at the beach dancing with Mina, her lying across me during the balloon fight, her at the pool, my dream. "Fuck," I gasped as I released onto the shower wall. I rinsed off in the warm water before stepping out to get dried off and dressed.
    There was no way I would be able to get to sl eep, so I headed for the kitchen. On the way, I hesitated at the spare room door where Oliver was sleeping. I figured that I would wake his ass up and bother him for a while. Maybe he could help me sort my shit out.
    I opened the door without trying to be quiet, surprised when Oliver didn’t move or wake up. Then I decided to fuck with him. I got close to the lump that was under the blankets and hopped onto him.
    "What the hell?" A girl screamed.
    I pulled the blanket down quickly and saw Chloe’s freaked out face underneath me. "What the…"
    "I asked first!" She shouted while trying to push me off of her. "I can’t breathe , Mackey! Get up!"
    "Oh uh…sorry." Then it hit me. "Where the hell is Oliver?" Chloe’s face flashed from anger to panic. Something was up.
    Just then , Mina came running in. "What is going on?" She looked between Chloe and me, half-laying with each other on the bed.
    "Where the fuck is Oliver, Mina?!" If he is in your bed, I will fucking kill him! I jumped up off the bed and headed toward the door.
    "I’m right here , dude. What’s wrong?" Oliver appeared in the doorway and looked like he had been in bed. Someone’s bed. He also looked too cool, too calm.
    "Where were you at?!" I shouted and glared at Mina , who looked like she was in panic mode.
    "I was just down…." The next thing I knew , Chloe interrupted him.
    "Jesus , Leo, he went down to the kitchen. Lay off." I turned to look at her.
    "How the fuck would you know?" I interrogated her and raised my eyebrows.
    "Because he asked me if I wanted anything before he got out of bed." She looked at me fiercely and with conviction.
    I was not prepared for that answer . I felt a knot in my stomach that twisted until I almost doubled over. "Oliver was in bed with you?" I choked out and then turned my attention to Oliver and Mina.
    "Seriously , Leo. Get out so I can go back to sleep," Chloe blurted out quickly and I turned back to her, ready to vomit when I saw her stand up and walk across the room to Oliver. She was wearing the tiniest boxer shorts and tank top. Did she fucking shop in the little girls section? Oh, hell!
    "Oliver, are you crazy? What about Alicia, huh? Did you happen to mention her during your little ‘hook up’ with my

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