World Enough and Time

Read Online World Enough and Time by Lauren Gallagher - Free Book Online

Book: World Enough and Time by Lauren Gallagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Gallagher
today, though.
    Gavin didn’t know shit about horses. He was a businessman who’d married Leslie, an accomplished horsewoman, and suddenly fancied himself a horseman. He talked a good game, but he didn’t know a hoof pick from a stirrup leather. Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell him as much because he also signed my paychecks.
    I took Jekyll back in the barn, unsaddled him, and put him away. While I tried to decide who to work next, Susan came in, leading Xena.
    “How was she?” I asked.
    Susan groaned and rolled her eyes, but patted the mare’s neck anyway. “She has a stupid today.”
    I laughed. “Better you than me, then.”
    “Gee thanks.” She cross-tied Xena and unbuckled the girth. “Are you trail-riding today?”
“I was thinking about it,” I said. “Calypso could use a day out and so could I.”
    “Well, I’m taking Bridger out as soon as I’m done with this one,” she said.
    “I think I’ll join you, then.”
    Fifteen minutes later, Calypso and Bridger were saddled and ready to go.
    I put my foot in the stirrup and hoisted myself up, wincing as I swung my leg over. Once I was in the saddle, I rubbed my hip gingerly.
    “Sore?” Susan grinned.
    “And would that have anything to do with—”
    “You dirty girl.”
    My cheeks burned. “What can I say? He’s a lot of fun.”
    Susan clicked her tongue and shook her head. “So are you going to see him again?”
    “Well, maybe after I catch a few hours of sleep,” I said as we steered the horses toward the trail. “That man will be the death of me if I don’t.”
    She laughed. “I didn’t think he had it in him. Who knew?”
    “I certainly do.”
    “Ugh, I don’t want to know.”
    We came to a fork in the trail.
    “Left or right?” I asked.
    She pursed her lips. “Hmm, how about left? Lazybones here could use a run up a few hills.”
    “Left it is.” We followed the trail to the left. This was a narrower trail, but still wide enough for us to ride side by side. It was also much more hilly than the other direction, and although we didn’t like to encourage our horses to race, neither of us could resist the occasional race up one of the steeper inclines.
    “So you’re really going to see him again?” she asked. “Like, keep seeing him?”
    I nodded. “Planning on it, yes.”
    “You think this is going to, you know—”
    “Turn into a relationship?”
    Shaking my head, I said, “Nah. I don’t want anything more.”
    “Can’t blame you. I mean, I can vouch for him. He’s a good guy, he really is.” She paused. “Just, you know, be careful. God only knows how he’s doing after that breakup.”
    I shrugged. “Perfect for me, then. Like I said, I don’t want anything, and he’s leaving in a few months anyway.”
    “Well, yeah, but what if you get attached? Or he does?”
    “He’s leaving, so it doesn’t matter. He hasn’t said anything about that, by the way. Are you sure he’s moving?”
    She nodded. “Olivia—that’s his ex—told me a while back that he’d gotten into the program he wanted at Stanford. It was his top choice and, from what I hear, they offered him a pretty sweet deal. I mean, I don’t know how scholarships or whatever work with doctoral programs, but Olivia said he was beside himself about it. So, no way in hell he’s backing out of something like that.”
    Disappointment tried to tug at my gut, but I ignored it. “That pretty much settles it, then. He’s leaving, so we can’t do much more than what we’re doing.”
    Susan snorted. “And I’m sure you’re terribly disappointed with what you’re doing with him.”
    I put a hand to my forehead and sighed melodramatically. “Terribly.”
    Calypso fidgeted when one of the hills came into view. Bridger snorted and chomped his bit.
    “Think they want to race?” Susan asked.
    “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe they—” I dug my heels into Calypso’s sides and he shot into a gallop.

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