Pursued By The Viscount

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Book: Pursued By The Viscount by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
nipples into his mouth. He suckled even as he raised his head so he could observe her response to that caress. The black of her pupils almost obliterated the brown, the flush having deepened in her cheeks, and her lips were parted as she breathed raggedly.
    She had never looked more beautiful.
    Lucien continued to suckle her nipples alternately as he drew the gown from her arms before sliding it down and then discarding it completely. He lifted his head to admire her now clothed only in a tight white corset that pushed her breasts up even higher, her unfastened drawers, and stockings held up by white garters adorned with pink rosebuds.
    Beautifully wanton .
    His engorged and rigid cock gave a painful throb, and he could feel the juices escaping the slit at its tip. He chose to ignore these indications of his own state of arousal to instead hold Rachel’s gaze with his as he eased her drawers farther down before discarding them to the carpeted floor.
    “Part your legs for me, pet,” he encouraged, then moved down to the bottom of the chaise.
    “Part…? I am not sure…” She looked alarmed at his suggestion.
    Lucien gave her a reassuring smile. “I wish to see you here,” he reminded, his fingers running lightly over her curls and into the heat of her cleft. “To kiss your pussy and taste your juices.”
    Her cheeks flamed with color at his use of language. “I… Do… Is that quite proper?”
    He chuckled throatily. “It is distinctly im proper. But I should like to do it anyway.” He eyed her quizzically. “Have I done anything so far you do not like?”
    Rachel liked it all too much, that was the problem. What if she became addicted to Lucien’s lovemaking? What if James, in spite of the fact she had never enjoyed a single one of their intimate encounters, had seen something in her, and she really was that slut and whore—
    “What are you thinking about?” Lucien demanded sternly.
    She shook her head. “I… Someone said I was… They accused me of being a slut and a whore—”
    “You are neither of those things!” Lucien assured her firmly. He moved up the chaise to sit beside her and cup her cheeks in his hands as he lifted her face up to his. “Whoever said those things only did so to hurt you. You are a beautiful and vibrant woman who has too long been denied the pleasure of your own body.”
    “But what if I come to like this—these things—too much?”  
    “There is no such thing. Have no fear, Rachel, I will very much enjoy ensuring every one of your desires is met.”
    “When we are together like this, you will not think of anyone else. Not what they said, not what they did. Say it, Rachel.”
    She was held captive in that deep compelling gaze. “I will not think of anyone else when I am with you.”
    “All of it,” he insisted.
    “Not what they said, not what they did,” she repeated obediently.
    Some of the tension eased from his shoulders, and he smiled his approval. “You are a very beautiful and responsive woman who has been mistreated and unappreciated. I feel honored that you have chosen me to be the first man to give you pleasure.”
    Rachel realized that implied he expected there to be more men after him who would do the same.
    What had she expected? That Lucien Brooke, Viscount Brooketon, a man who had proven to be elusive on the marriage mart these past twenty years, would actually fall in love with her? If that was her hope, her dream, then she was still that naïve and romantic child.
    With Lucien, she was determined to be a woman. One who did not make demands or expect promises of a future, but who accepted what he wished to share with her.
    She raised her arms and linked them about his nape as she drew him to her. “Kiss me, Lucien.” It had been impossible for her to think of anything else earlier when Lucien claimed her with his lips and hands.
    It was no different this time, his kisses deep and claiming until Rachel lay limp and acquiescent as he

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