World Enough and Time

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Book: World Enough and Time by Lauren Gallagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Gallagher
cheater!” Susan called out.
    I laughed, standing up in the stirrups and pushing the reins forward so I didn’t hold him back. Behind us, Bridger’s hoof beats crescendoed as he tried to catch up. I urged Calypso on, squinting as the wind made my eyes tear up. The horses thundered up the hill, wind whipping at manes and clothes. Bridger was nipping on our heels, so I tapped Calypso’s sides with my heels to encourage him to run just a little faster.
    They’d nearly caught up with us when we reached the top. There, we brought them back down to a trot, then a walk. Even though the horses had done the running, Susan and I were out of breath, laughing and patting their necks as we continued down the trail.
    “That wasn’t fair,” she said, panting.
    “Just keeping you on your toes.”
    She pointed at me and gave me a menacing glare, though her poorly hidden smile killed the effect. “I’m going to get you back for that.”
    “Yeah, we’ll see about—” My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. “Oh for Christ’s sake.” While I fished it out, Susan craned her neck.
    “Gavin?” she asked.
    “Probably. Since we had the audacity to take a trail ride on a nice day.” I looked at my phoned, and my stomach lurched.
    Matt .
    “Oh fuck,” I muttered.
    “Boss man?”
    “My ex.” I put the phone to my ear. “Hey.”
    “Hey, Dani.” His voice made bile rise in the back of my throat.
    I coughed. “Um, what’s up?”
    “I found some of your stuff while I was going through some boxes,” he said. “Not a whole lot, but would you mind coming by to get it? Like, soon?” The disgust in his voice set my teeth on edge.
    “How soon?”
    “Today, if you can.”
    I laughed. “Jesus, Matt, you think I can just drop everything and come over? Listen, I’ve got a lot going on these days.” Susan and I exchanged mischievous looks and I smothered another laugh. “I’ll call you in a few days, but I can probably come by this weekend.”
    He huffed. “Fine. Just, as soon as you can, okay?”
    “Of course,” I muttered. After I’d hung up, I swore under my breath.
    “What’s his problem?”
    “Apparently he found some of my stuff in the apartment.” I shoved my phone back into my pocket. “You know, it’s lovely how he always sounds so fucking thrilled whenever he calls about stuff like this. Like, how dare there be any evidence that I ever set foot in that goddamned place.”
    “Ugh, he’s a bastard,” Susan said with a dismissive gesture.
    “You’re telling me. After I get my stuff, he’ll probably have an exorcist in just to make sure I’m completely gone.”
    We rode on, talking about the horses and Gavin instead of my ex, but the phone conversation lingered in the back of my mind. Matt’s efforts to evict me from his life and remove all reminders of my existence hurt, but not as much as they used to. In fact, it occurred to me that this was the first time my ex had crossed my mind since before Connor and I met down by the waterfront last night. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. Nothing removed Matt from my thoughts like a night of sweaty, desperate sex with Connor.
    And I think I could go for some more Connor-induced amnesia tonight .
    Chapter Nine
    The moment Connor walked into the restaurant, I knew there was something I’d hoped he would help me forget, but I couldn’t remember what it was. Mission accomplished , I thought when I stood to greet him with a quick kiss.
    “Sorry I’m late,” he said. “Traffic was insane.”
    “It’s always insane in this city, isn’t it?”
    He laughed. “True enough, true enough.”
    “That’s one thing I just haven’t gotten used to yet,” I said. “The roads are confusing enough without all the traffic.”
    “Yeah, I hear that.” He quickly perused the menu before setting it aside. “It’s one thing I’m not going to miss about this place.”
    I raised my eyebrows. “Miss?”
    “Yeah, I’m—” His gaze

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