Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1) by Clover Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clover Donovan
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and nodded.
                  “I’m sorry about your mom too. I just wish I knew how she actually died. Mason told us she was killed in a fire along with our father, but I’m thinking he might not have been telling the truth.”
                  “I know how they really died… and I’ll tell you if you really want to know,” She really did want to know the truth about what happened to her parents. She wanted to know more than anything.
    As if Logan could feel her emotions, he took hold of Emma’s hand and squeezed it tightly. She felt tingling crawl down her spine and she knew there was something between them. And for some reason, she knew that Logan could feel it too.
                  “Tell me,” Emma coaxed.
                  “Your father was killed by hellhounds. Someone had it done but no one knew who. After he died, my dad was supposed to help your mom come to the mortal world. So he waited for her in Oleandra’s house.”
    “They waited for hours but your mom never showed up. My dad went back to your mom’s parent’s house to see if maybe she was there… he found your mom and her family tied to blood trees in the back of the house.”
    “They were all dead. Everyone said your dad did it, but he was already dead. There was no reason to kill your mom, she wasn’t a threat. It’s baffling to be honest.”
                  “But we were, Logan. Ethan and I were the threat. Whoever killed my mom and her family obviously thought we’d be there too. It makes complete sense. Someone was after us even then. What if it was Craven?” Emma threw the blanket off and got out of the bed.
    Logan was silent as he watched Emma put her boots back on. She was done acting beaten, she needed to grow up and take things into her own hands. It had to have been Craven who took everything from her, and now he was coming for them again.
    She had to make sure that she was ready. Now was not the time for crying, or worrying. It was time to fight back.
                  “Emma, what is it?” Logan asked.
                  “We need to get back to the library and keep researching. I’m not letting Craven win. I’m going to make him pay for everything he’s done and I’m going to be the one who destroys him.”

                  Ethan whacked Adam on the back of his neck with his hand, fast and sharp. Adam wobbled to the side, grabbing hold of his neck in agony. They had landed in a dark pumpkin patch and Ethan had scraped his knee on a jagged stem.
    The transportation to Elsmere had been completely horrific.
    Ethan had never felt so much pain in his life and he never wanted to feel it again. But there was only one way back to the mortal world and it seemed to involve plenty of pain. It felt as if Ethan was gliding through a thin, dark, freezing tunnel and the sides were jagged and tearing at his skin.
    The sky above them was murky and starry and the wind that rustled between the chunks of hay was wintry and thick. Obviously, Ethan thought, it had to be autumn in Elsmere. And that happened to be his favorite season.
    Outside of the patch, large, black street lamps lined the street giving enough light for Ethan to find his way through the patch without falling onto more pumpkins.
    The patch was deserted and calm. Only the faint resonance of bats squeaking through the sky and trees that surrounded them could be heard.
    Adam latched onto the wooden fence that enclosed the patch and turned, glaring at Ethan.
                  “What was that for?” he growled through gritted teeth.
                  “That shit hurt. It felt like my skin was melting off!” Ethan navigated his way out of the pumpkins and over to where Adam was now standing. When he finally made it to the entrance way, Adam was leaning over the fence,

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