Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1) by Clover Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clover Donovan
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dad sent a warlock, Vander Hilt, after my dad. My dad got my mom cloaked but it was too late for me and him. He took me and came here. To protect my mom he didn’t communicate with her and so she thought Vander got a hold of us.
    “She killed herself and when my dad found out he went back to Elsmere and her family banished him from their world, including me. That’s our little life story for you.” Emma just stared down at her hands and felt tears coming. She tried her best not to let them out but it was no use.
                  “I’m sorry my father did that to you. To be honest, I’m glad he’s gone.”
                  “You don’t have to say that. Your dad loved you; it’s just that he was a misunderstood man. Everyone makes mistakes, Emma. It’s how we deal with them afterwards that defines who we truly are.”
                  “He’s right,” Emma was startled by Bennett’s appearance in the doorway of the guest room. He was dressed differently, in emerald green cloak with gold tassels on the bottom. She’d seen that cloak in a book years back but she couldn’t remember what it was for.
                  “Thank you again for helping me and my brother, Mr. Hardwicke. We are both truly grateful for all that you’ve done,” Emma said, wiping the tears from under her eyes.
                  “Think nothing of it. Now, I will be gone for the rest of the night. I have a meeting with a witch who is helping me decode your father’s journal. It was left on the coffee table, with the initials N.A.D on it. I think it might help us somehow. She’s a dark witch so I’m hoping she will be able to understand it. Do you mind if I do this?”
                  “No, Ethan and I have been trying to understand it for a while now. If it can help, take it. We didn’t even know it was his,” Emma said. Bennett narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to focus on something.
    He made his way into the room, as if in a trance. Logan moved out of the way as Bennett neared the bed, making Emma uneasy.  He locked eyes with her neck and right then she knew he was staring at the locket.
                  “She kept it, all along she kept it,” Bennett said, his eyes becoming misty. Emma attempted to unfasten the clip but he motioned for her to stop. “No. Keep it on, it used to belong to my grandmother. It’s filled with the ashes of an elder witch, and it’s supposed to keep your head safe from manipulation. Do me a favor and never take it off, Promise me.”
                  “I promise,” Emma responded, touching the locket. It felt cool between her fingers and she couldn’t help but look down at it, admiring it. “I’ll never take it off.”
                  “Well, I’ll be off now,” Bennett said, avoiding Emma’s face. She knew he had tears in his eyes. She could tell by the look on his face that he missed her mother terribly. She’d give anything to get her back.
    Bennett walked out through the bedroom door, and with a backward glance he half smiled at Emma. Logan sat back down on the bed, staring at the locket.
                  “He gets emotional from time to time. But he hates showing it,” Logan explained.
                  “I understand. Ethan is like that. He used to get bullied in school for being gay, but he’d come home and act like nothing ever happened. I knew what was going on and one day I went to school, found those guys who were messing with him and beat the crap out of them. No one messes with my family.” Emma’s jaw was set. All she wanted was for Ethan to be right beside her. Where was he now? Was he safe?
                  “I get you. I’d do the same thing if I had any siblings. And I never got to tell you this but I’m sorry about your mom,” Logan said. Emma looked up at his face

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