Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1)

Read Online Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1) by Clover Donovan - Free Book Online

Book: Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1) by Clover Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clover Donovan
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                  “Loci Acenta!” they both recited in unison as the light broke free from the sphere and whirled about them like a gust of powerful wind.
    Ethan felt as if his skin was being peeled right off of his bones. The pain was incredible and it hurt beyond belief. He swore that when they arrived in Elsmere, he would smack the hell out of Adam for lying to him.

    Emma stared down at Mason’s grimoire. Ethan had left it behind when he and Adam left to Elsmere before she awoke. He left without saying goodbye and that hurt Emma the most. 
    What if something happened to him or her? No matter how ugly things became, she loved her brother and would never treat him differently. She needed him to know that.
    She hoped that Ethan would find Oleandra and return as soon as possible. She didn’t know how long she would last without him. Nothing about the situation felt right.
    “How did this all go to crap so quickly? I’m losing my brother and my sanity all at the same time,” Emma said as she put down Mason’s grimoire and leaned back into the pillows of the bed.
    “Sometimes things just happen. You can’t stop it, but you can face it. You can hold your ground and fight. I’m going to be here for you, because I’m a part of this now and I’m not about to let anything happen to you,” Logan explained as he sat down next to Emma. She turned to him. Without him right now, she’d be worse off than she already was.
    “Take my mind off of all this for a moment. Tell me about you. Why did you move to this particular street?” Emma asked. She figured that maybe talking about something else would ease her mind off of everything that was ruining it.
                  “My dad wanted to move near the woods and we had already been living in Herman, which is only about an hour out of Westbrook. So we packed up and moved here, and to be honest, I’m glad that we did.” Logan smiled.
                  “Tell me more.”
                  “You first,” Logan said.
                  “Fine,” Emma smirked and got comfortable. She gazed into Logan’s eyes. She wanted to tell him about his death, but decided against it once more. “I don’t know what to say about myself, to be honest. I like fencing, I don’t like reading, I’m deathly afraid of heights, my favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz, and my favorite flavor of ice cream is rocky road.”
                  “You sound like you are applying for an online dating service,” Logan laughed.
                  “Then how about you?” Emma nudged him playfully. She hadn’t flirted with a guy in so long that she felt like a middle school girl again. And Logan didn’t seem to mind.
                  “I’m going to sound the same. I graduated last year, I have a non-sexual relationship with my Xbox, reading is my soul, I am extremely afraid of goblins. Oh, and my favorite flavor of ice cream is none. I’m lactose intolerant,” Logan explained.
    Emma smiled up at him and for a moment it felt as if they were just two teenagers getting to know each other and not in the middle of danger. Emma began to think about Ethan and her smile faded.
                  “Is is just you and your dad?” Emma asked and just as she finished she wished she could take the question back. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”
                  “No. I want to answer it. Yes, my mom took her life when I was very young. She was great; she used to play with me outside when my dad was too busy at the witch council meetings. She was everything to me. What my dad hasn’t told you is that your dad was pretty pissed at him for trying to get his power stripped.
    “So your

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