Warehouse Rumble

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Book: Warehouse Rumble by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
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through earlier. The TV crew had piled up obstacles—mostly old machine parts—in a maze-like pattern. This way, the contestants could see sections of what lay ahead without seeing the whole picture.
    “They’re showing just enough to trick you about which way the maze is really going,” Joe observed.
    “Don’t worry about us,” Chet said. “I have the nose of a bloodhound.”
    “And the head of a fox,” Daphne added, passing up the easy slam.
    Chet looked at his watch. “Could one of you grab me a cola?” he asked. “I’m parched, but I don’t want to miss the start of the event.”
    “Sure thing,” Frank replied. “Want anything, Daphne? Joe?”
    “I’ll keep you company and grab something myself,” Joe said.
    “Nothing for me,” Daphne replied. “I’m going to hit the rest room before the game starts. Here, Chet—you could use some good luck.” She handed the ring on the string to Chet. He slipped it around his neck.
    “See you in a couple of minutes,” Frank said.
    The brothers turned and picked their way through the set, heading for the refreshment area. Daphne disappeared behind some rubble toward the nearest rest room.
    As the Hardys ducked under an old water tank, a strangled cry reached their ears.
    “Ack, Help!”

8 That Was No Monster . . .
    “That’s Chet’s voice!” Joe said.
    They turned and ran back the way they’d come. The fake rubble slowed them down—it made moving in a straight line difficult. They could see what lay ahead of them, though, and what they saw gave them a shock.
    Chet Morton was struggling with someone against one of the sets. But the thing he was fighting wasn’t human. It had blue skin, bug eyes, and clawlike hands. The thing had Chet in a half nelson, and was trying to slip its other claw behind the big teen’s neck.
    Chet thrust himself backward, smashing his assailant into the wall. The insect-man grunted, and Chet slipped free of his grip. As he did, though,the mutant kicked Chet’s legs out from under him. Chet landed hard on the floor, belly-flopping onto his face. The air rushed out of his lungs. The monster paused before reaching for Chet’s neck.
    “Hey, you!” Joe yelled as he and Frank charged forward.
    The creature turned, slipped between two wide pillars, and disappeared into the darkness behind the set.
    Joe ran after him as Frank stopped to help their friend.
    “I’m okay,” Chet gasped. “Just get that guy!”
    Frank rose and pushed his way between the rusting pillars. On the other side he ran into Joe. “It’s no use,” Joe said. “The guy disappeared into this maze somewhere. I lost him.”
    “Rats!” said Frank.
    He and Joe squeezed back between the pillars to Chet. Daphne had returned during the brief time they’d been gone, and was kneeling next to their friend. The big teen was sitting with his back up against the wall, taking a breather. “I’m fine,” Chet said. “Did you bring that drink I asked for?” He smiled halfheartedly and coughed.
    “Sorry. We didn’t make it that far,” Joe replied.
    “Yeah—we got a little distracted,” Frank added. He knelt down and patted Chet on the shoulder. “Next time, we’ll keep our priorities straight.”
    Just then, Ward Willingham poked his head intothe start of the maze and said, “Everybody ready to rumble?”
    “What, are you kidding?” Chet snapped.
    “Having a monster try to grab one of the contestants before the start of the game is a really stupid stunt,” Joe said angrily.
    “Maybe it was ‘cool’ TV, but Chet could have been hurt,” Frank agreed. “All of us would have been happier if he’d clobbered your monster.”
    “Mr. Willingham, I think you’ve taken the ‘realism’ of this game way too far,” added Daphne.
    “Whoa! Slow down,” Willingham said. He stepped from behind the set into the starting area of the metal maze. “What are you talking about? What monster?”
    The teens rose to confront the producer. “The monster

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