
Read Online Unstoppable by Christina Marie - Free Book Online

Book: Unstoppable by Christina Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Marie
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college and meeting new people.
    When we got to McAllister’s, Sydney put mom and I to work fixing the desserts and setting the table.  I grabbed six plates out of the cupboard, “Oh, Ryder’s not coming today.” Sydney took one plate off the stack and put it back.
    “Why?” I asked a little louder than I should have.  I hadn’t talked to Ryder since that night at his house.  He hadn’t bothered to text me so I decided it was better if I didn’t text or call him. 
    “He’s swamped with paint jobs he has to have done before that big bike rally.”
    “Oh.” I nodded then walked into the dining room. 
    The meal went good, I missed Ryder though.  I decided to text him when I left, hopefully he wouldn’t ignore me. 
    Harley :  Missed you at dinner 
    Ryder :  Busy sorry .
    Those two words did two things to me, they pissed me off and made me want to cry.  I had never regretted sleeping with Ryder until that very second.  I made my mind up, I was going to go to college and live life.  Ryder could give me the cold shoulder all he wanted.
    Mom and dad decided that I could go ahead and move to Washington State.  I didn’t stop smiling the entire drive there.  Cade and Sydney even helped us move my stuff.  Since mom and Sydney had attended the same college they knew right where my dorm building was located.  The good thing about Cade coming along was us women had to do very little lifting. 
    I stood at my dorm room door, “Do I knock or do I just go in?” I asked nervously. 
    Mom smiled, “Just go in.” she twisted the handle and pushed the door open. 
    “Sarah?!” I called out. 
    “Just a sec!” her voice was muffled behind a door down one of the short hallways. 
    A few seconds later she bounded out of what I assumed was her bedroom.  “Sorry about that I was moving my bed around.  I’m so glad you’re here!” she enveloped me in a tight hug. 
    “I’m glad to finally be here.” 
    “Okay there are some things I want to get out of the way; One--I know I’m fat but I’m happy and healthy believe it or not.  Two--I’ll be here for you no matter what, anytime you need me…I’ve got your back.  Three—I’ll love you unless you stab me in the back.” She smiled big.  It was that very minute that I knew I had landed the most awesome roommate on campus. 
    “Good to know.” I smiled back at her. 
    Sarah was a heavier set woman, but absolutely beautiful.  She could easily be a plus size pinup model.  Her brown hair was tied up with a bandana, she had a light dusting of eye shadow on, and pale red lip gloss covered her full lips.  Mom and Sydney introduced themselves to her; I could tell right away that she had won over both of them. 
    “Whoa!  Who are those studs?” Sarah’s eyes got big when dad and Cade walked in carry boxes. 
    Mom laughed, “That guy,” she pointed at dad, “is Bryan my annoying husband.  And that tattooed teddy bear is Cade, Sydney’s annoying husband.”
    “Nice to meet you both.” Sarah waved at them.  “Okay, let me show you to your room little princess.” She clapped her hands, looped her arm through mine and walked with me to the opposite side of the dorm room. 
    Mom and Sydney both laughed, “It’s nicer than what we had that’s for sure.” Sydney said. 
    “Our beds were like, this far apart.” Mom held her arms out. 
    Sarah wrinkled up her nose, “That had to suck if you brought home a romper room buddy.”
    Dad cleared his throat, “Do you intend on doing that frequently young lady?” he narrowed his eyes at Sarah.
    Sarah snorted, “Are you kidding me?  Look at me, I’m not exactly first pickin’ for college boys.”
    Sydney rubbed Sarah’s arm, “You’re beautiful, why would you even think you’re not?”
    She shrugged her shoulders, “It’s no big deal, honestly, I plan on studying hard and spending as much time with my roomy as possible.”
    I loved Sarah, she was the breath of fresh air that I

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