“Wait—wait, he told you he loves you and you…left?!” she asked with wide eyes.
I blew out a breath, “Our parents don’t know about the hookup, I’m sure they have their suspicions but…”
“Have you talked to him?” she interrupted me.
“No, he’s been busy with his custom painting and I came here early.”
“Wow, you do know a guy like that is a rare find. He will love you through the good, the bad, and the ugly.”
After taking a drink of my soda, I stood and threw my plate away, “I know, but who knows maybe after I get settled in here I’ll meet another awesome guy.”
Sarah threw her plate away, “True, I’ve seen some hot ass men around. I think I’m going to shower then head to bed. Tomorrow we can go work out together if you want.”
“Sounds good, where are we going?”
“It’ll be a surprise!” She grinned then hugged me.
Bright and early the following morning Sarah was knocking on my bedroom door. I tried to pull my covers over my head but she was very persistent and threatened to throw water on me if I wasn’t dressed and ready within fifteen minutes.
“I must have left out that I’m not a morning person.” I grumbled when I walked into the kitchen.
“Eh, details ~ details roomy.” She slid a mug of coffee to me.
“I love you!” I breathed in the aroma before taking a drink and almost spitting it out.
Sarah started laughing, “I like my coffee like I like my men, dark and strong.” She flexed her muscles.
“You are trying to kill me.” I coughed then dumped the coffee down the sink. “Starbucks, now!”
“YES!” Sarah fist pumped with a smile. “In all honesty I never drink regular coffee, I’m a Starbucks whore.” She told me as she grabbed her purse off of the hook by the front door.
We walked about two blocks, “So what is the workout we are going to do?” I asked.
“You’ll see.”
Annoying, that’s what Sarah was, annoying. I needed actual good caffeine if I was going to survive the day with her. “You’re way to annoying in the morning.”
She laughed, “Probably even a little immature for some people, but, I like to start my day off in a good mood, with a big cup of Starbucks, and a smile on my face.”
“I love you.” I slung one arm around her shoulders and squeezed.
“Aww, I love you too!”
Starbucks hit the spot, I was ready to get my day started. I needed a good work out and was excited to get started, until we walked up to a building that had stripper poles and dancer decals on the front windows.
“Chill, you’ll have a blast. Come on.” Sarah had to physically drag me by the arm into the building.
“Stripping? Hell no.” I tried to back out of the building.
“It’s not actual stripping you ding dong, I promise you, it’s a blast.”
That was twice she had said it would be a blast, all I could do was take her word for it.
Two hours later I couldn’t stop smiling, “That was a…”
“BLAST! I told you!” Sarah interrupted me.
The class was full of highly energetic women, the workout was very intense, and the strippers that were instructing the class were hilarious. Sarah was really good on the pole too. I joked with her that she could always see about getting a job. She laughed, “Could you imagine the guy’s faces when I walk on stage? That would be comical!”
“I think I’ll be more sore tomorrow than what I was when I started teaching ZUMBA. Thank you for inviting me, how often do we go back?”
“Every two days and every other weekend. I’m so glad you had fun!”
When we got back to the dorm, I showered then called mom to tell her about our day. When she repeated the word stripping, my dad was on the phone in a nanosecond.
“You fucking did what? I swear to god Harley…”
I laughed and laughed, “Chill out, it was a fitness class!”
“You are indeed going to be the death of me while you’re
Candace Bushnell
Roger Zelazny
Jason Derleth
Elizabeth Adler
Jane Kindred
Janel Gradowski
Goldie Hawn
Becca Jameson
Jane Lindskold