Unforgettable (Talented Saga #6)

Read Online Unforgettable (Talented Saga #6) by Sophie Davis - Free Book Online

Book: Unforgettable (Talented Saga #6) by Sophie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Davis
Tags: YA), Young Adult, teen, Dystopian, talented'
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has decided to use a lottery system to raffle
off the remaining slots.”
    “ What about the tens of
thousands of people who aren’t selected?” Talia blurted.
    She was now sitting ramrod straight,
hanging on Victoria’s every word for the first time in their
    Victoria met Talia’s challenging
    “ Agent Lyons, if you—if all
of you—” Victoria made a sweeping gesture with one arm meant to
encompass the entire theater, “do your job, and apprehend the
Created, then that may not be an issue.”
    “ That’s not an answer,”
Talia snapped.
    So attuned to my girlfriend’s moods,
her own dramatic up-and-down swings, I felt the horror and rage
warring within her just as strongly as if the emotions were my own.
Talia was a heartbeat away from a tirade like I’d never seen or
heard. Which was saying something, since neither Talia nor I were
exactly known for our impulse control.
    I understood why she was so upset. For
the same reason my stomach was tied in knots and I suddenly wanted
to break something.
    What Victoria was refusing
to say, but every single agent in the room knew, was that those
Talented, the unchosen ones, would be left to fend for themselves. That they’d be as
good as dead. Or worse.
    Yes, there were fates
worse— much worse—than death. I had firsthand knowledge of that. There
were times when I’d craved death, just to escape the hell I’d been
    Victoria refused to take Talia’s bait.
Refused to give voice to what we all already knew. Naturally, my
feisty girlfriend repeated herself.
    “ That’s not an answer,”
Talia hissed through clenched teeth. “What about the people who
aren’t selected ?”
    Victoria leveled her gaze on first
Talia, and then me. She shrugged, clearly at a loss for an answer.
Because there wasn’t one.
    “ Heaven help them, Agent
Lyons. Heaven help them.”

    “ AGENT
LYONS? CAN I speak with you?”
Victoria called.
    Our meeting ended after Victoria’s
ominous pronouncement. Once she uttered the words, there was no
going back—there was no denying the inevitable outcome for our kind
if the treaty failed to pass. The Talented were about to become
extinct, unless UNITED did something to sway public opinion back in
our favor. Every one of us understood that and the horrific
ramifications, so there was nothing left to say.
    “ You, too, Agent Kelley,”
Victoria added.
    Erik and I stood, preparing to join
the councilwoman at the front of the room.
    “ I’ll meet you guys
upstairs for breakfast,” Penny said, heading for the door. As she
scurried to catch up with Henri and Frederick, she gave me a small,
sympathetic wave over her shoulder.
    Wishing that I could bolt, too, I
watched her go longingly. Victoria and I butted heads when it came
to every little thing, and I didn’t relish the idea of being alone
with her. At least in a group setting, like the meeting, we were
both on our best behavior.
    “ Let’s go see what she
wants,” Erik muttered, squeezing my fingers
    Not alone, I reminded myself. Erik was
here. Here to keep me grounded, from making a comment I’d later
    Unable to resist, I poked at his
mental barriers, testing their strength after the beating we’d both
taken from all of the other minds in the room. The others had been
projecting so strongly that it had felt as though they were
cramming their emotions down my throat. It was undoubtedly even
more difficult for him to experience. But somehow, even with the
barrage, I hadn’t felt even a hint of what was going on with Erik,
the person whose mind I was most familiar with.
    I felt the same thing when I search
for any cracks he might’ve left behind. Nothing. Physically Erik
was here. Mentally, he was, as usual, a million miles
    Although I debated pushing harder, and
really wanted to, I decided to give Erik the privacy he deserved.
When his gaze met mine, the bottomless pools of turquoise were
roiling with anger that

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