Tyler's Undoing
keep telling yourself that. As far as your grandmother is concerned, I think she’s finding it more difficult to think clearly. All you can do now is go along with it, which will keep her confusion and anxiety to a minimum.”
    “I understand,” I said. “I know what to do.”
    Once Cindy left, I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Tyler was supposed to come by for breakfast, but I had no idea what time, or if he was even going to show.
    Hurriedly, I put on a pair of denim shorts and a pink tank top before putting my wet hair in a side braid; once it dried, it would be wavy. When I got out of the bathroom, my grandmother was in the living room, sitting by the window.
    “Hey, Nana,” I greeted warmly. “Did you sleep okay? I’m about to make us some breakfast.”
    Just a few weeks ago, we were told her chemo had stopped working. Needless to say, we stopped treatments and ever since then, her health had rapidly decreased in a short amount of time. She was pale and sickly skinny, with no hair whatsoever. When she was younger, she had the most beautiful, thick blonde hair I’d ever seen. She was happy that I had inherited my hair from her.
    “It was the best sleep I’ve had in a long time, sweetheart,” she replied. “I got to see my, Matthew.”
    “You did?” I asked nervously. “What did he say?”
    My grandfather had died twelve years ago from a heart attack. She’d been heartbroken after that and we all thought she wouldn’t live through it, but she had my father who needed her. She lived for him.
    My grandmother looked to me and smiled. “He said he was going to see me soon, and he missed me. Oh, honey, I would give anything to be with him again.”
    Blinking quickly, I tried to keep the tears from falling down my face. “I know, Nana.”
    It won’t be long now.
    About that time, the doorbell rang. “Good heavens, who’s coming by this early in the morning?” my grandmother asked.
    “Nana, he’s a friend of mine. He wanted to eat breakfast with me. Try not to tell him embarrassing stories about me, okay?”
    Slowly, she got to her feet and followed me into the kitchen where she took her seat in the corner. She always sat there while I cooked breakfast, so she could talk to me.
    Taking a deep breath, I licked my dry lips and opened the door. With a sly grin on his face, Tyler stood there wearing a navy baseball cap with a fitted white T-shirt and khaki shorts. His tattoos went down both arms, but they weren’t full sleeves like I’d seen on some of the other fighters. They actually looked really good on his tanned skin and bulging muscles.
    “Tyler,” I greeted. “Would you like to come in? I’m about to start breakfast.” I didn’t realize my grandmother was right behind me, until I stepped back into her. “Oh, Nana, I’m sorry I didn’t know you were behind me.”
    Her expression was surprised as she looked at Tyler with tears in her eyes.
    “Nana, are you okay?” I asked, taking her hand.
    “Yes, child,” she whispered. “I think I just got something in my eye. I’m okay now.”
    Tyler held out his hand and she took it, never taking her eyes off his. “I’m Tyler. I’m a friend of your granddaughter’s.”
    Not letting him go, my grandmother held his hand and led him to the chair beside hers in the kitchen. “Well, Tyler, thank you for coming over. Be prepared though. My little angel cooks the best food I’ve ever tasted. You get kind of spoiled after a while.”
    Tyler sat down and winked at me. “I think I could get used to that.”
    “You wish,” I teased.
    While my grandmother talked nonstop to Tyler, I pulled out everything I needed to get breakfast started. The eggs, bacon, and French toast were easy to whip up. After I was done, I made my grandmother and Tyler a plate and set them down in front of them, along with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
    Tyler looked down with wide eyes. “This looks amazing, Kacey.”
    “Well, it should,” my

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