Tyler's Undoing
colored. I had an antique dark cherry headboard for my queen sized bed, covered with my favorite cream wool comforter. I sat on it and couldn’t deny that I wondered what it would be like to have Tyler in this bed with me.
    I heard a knock on the door frame and looked up to see him standing there.
    “Can I come in?” he inquired.
    I didn’t know how to answer him, but I knew I didn’t want him to go, so I nodded.
    “What just happened?” he asked, shutting the bedroom door lightly behind him. “Are you still worried about me pretending just to get in your pants? Because, let me remind you, what you see is what you get. We may not know much about each other, but I’m hoping to change that. I can’t do anything about it if you keep pushing me away.”
    Slowly, he approached me, his gaze guarded.
    “I’m about to lose the only family I have. My heart can’t take anymore. I don’t know if I can take this leap of faith you’re asking of me,” I whispered sadly.
    Kneeling in front of me and taking my face in his hands, Tyler gently rubbed his thumbs under my eyes to wipe away the tears. “Pushing people away only adds loneliness to the pain. I’ve been hurt a lot, Kacey, but you know what?” He tilted my face up higher. “I keep on going. Sometimes you have to let the bad in with the good. There’s no other way. It’s what makes us stronger.”
    “I’m just tired,” I murmured. “Sometimes I feel like all I get are the bad things.”
    Gently, Tyler brushed his thumb across my lips before placing his on mine. He waited on me to respond, and when I kissed him back, he opened my lips further with his tongue, slowly and deeply. It felt like it’d been forever since a man truly kissed me, but I knew not to move fast with him.
    Reluctantly, I pulled away and placed my fingers to his lips. “I need you to be honest with me, Tyler. You said you would tell me the truth so I want to know . . . why me? What makes me so different from the other girls?”
    Tilting his head to the side, he smirked and stared at my lips for a few seconds before meeting my eyes. “Honestly, it was your mouth,” he confessed. “I have never had a girl talk to me the way you did. It was startling, and refreshing.”
    Laughing, I playfully smacked him on the arm. “So, basically calling you names and telling you to go to hell, turned you on?”
    Biting his lip, he grabbed my wrist and placed a gentle kiss on my palm. “Maybe. You were fucking sexy in the gym the other day. I can’t promise you that I don’t come with any problems, because I’m sure as hell not perfect. I can promise you this though. . . what I want is not the same type of girl I’m used to being with. I want something real and I didn’t even know it until I saw it in you. All I’m asking for is a chance to see what happens.”
    If he only knew that my problems were bigger than any of his combined. Would he still believe I was something real?
    “Tyler, I’m not perfect either. Being with me will only cause you more problems.”
    Standing up, he leaned into me, guiding me back on my bed, covering me with his body. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
    Spreading my legs with his knee, he slid his hand along my bare leg up to my thigh. “Before you stop me, I already know you’re not ready for this. I know you don’t want to move too fast.”
    “You would actually wait for me?” I asked.
    He held his body above mine, with his arms on either side of my head. “For you . . . yes. It’ll be a new challenge.”
    Wrapping my legs around his, I smiled and bit my lip. “Well, in that case I think I need to make it a little more challenging.” I rocked my hips against his, and then my phone rang in my back pocket.
    Groaning, Tyler bent down to kiss my neck, trailing his lips down to my collarbone while keeping hold of my wrists. “Do you want to answer it?”
    “No, but I need to,” I told him.
    Reaching underneath my ass, he grabbed the phone out of my

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