Tyler's Undoing
grandmother stated. “She had the best teacher around. Not to mention, she went to the top culinary school in the United States.”
    “And by the best teacher around you know she meant herself, right?” I remarked, winking at my grandmother.
    To be on her death bed, Nana still had a sense of humor. I was glad that through all of her suffering, she was still able to hold onto that part of herself.
    “So that’s what you went to school for?” Tyler asked. “Why aren’t you utilizing your talents?”
    Shrugging, I sat down at the table and took a sip of my juice. “I plan to someday, when I earn the money. Bree and I want to open up our own restaurant. Working at the bar is just a means to an end. One day, I’ll be out of there and doing my own thing.”
    “How much do you need to save up?” he asked.
    Sarcastically, I laughed. “A lot. Bree and I have about half. When my father died, I saved the money he left me and ever since then, I’ve been working my ass off. We’re hoping to earn the rest in the next five years or so. Until then, I’ll keep working long hours.”
    My grandmother finished eating, and yawned, gazing sleepily at me. She spent most of her time sleeping these days.
    “Nana, do you want to go lie down?” I asked as I took her empty plate.
    “I do, child. I can barely hold my eyes open.”
    “All right, let me put our plates in the sink and I’ll help you to your room.”
    Tyler stood and put a hand on my shoulder, halting me. “I’ll take her, if that’s okay.”
    Before I could say anything, my grandmother smiled and grabbed his hand. “Why that would be very kind of you, young man. I think I’d enjoy that.”
    Chuckling, I rolled my eyes and cleaned off the table while Tyler helped my grandmother to her feet. “Ah, I see what you’re doing now. You’re trying to flirt with my friend.”
    On her way by, she placed her hand on the side of my face and kissed my cheek. “He only has eyes for you, my child. Be good to him.”
    Tyler winked at me and disappeared around the corner with my grandmother at his side. I never would’ve thought that a hard-core, muscular fighter like him would ever have a soft side. I’d never seen it with any of the others, but then again it was my brother and his friends we were talking about.
    When Tyler came back, his odd countenance caught my attention.
    “Is everything okay? Does she need me?”
    Shaking his head, he came over to the sink to help me, so I passed him a clean dish and a towel. “No, she closed her eyes as soon as she laid down.”
    “Then why do you look like that?” I asked, passing him another dish.
    He dried the towel and looked down at me. “Who’s Matthew?”
    I turned away and sighed. “He’s my grandfather. Nana claims she’s been talking to him in her dreams. What did she tell you?”
    “She said that Matthew had told her I was coming to take care of you and that everything would be all right.”
    Oh hell, she’s really losing it. I tried to keep my voice from shaking, but I failed. “Tyler, I’m so sorry. I know you didn’t come here to deal with all of this. She’s never said anything like that before. I know it has to be weird.”
    Taking my soapy hands, he pulled them around his waist and held me tight with his hand on the back of my neck. Instantly, I relaxed and held my head to his chest, listening to his heart beat as I breathed him in.
    “It’s okay, Kacey. I know it’s not easy to witness her health failing. I saw a picture of her in her room. She was a beautiful woman . . . much like you.”
    For a split second, I smiled and enjoyed the feel of him touching me, but then reality hit and I realized my feelings were changing toward him. It made me uncomfortable, and I needed to get away. Pulling back, I went to the sink. “I’m sorry, I need a moment.”
    After drying off with a towel, I walked out of the kitchen to my room. It was the largest one in the house, with soft green walls, almost pistachio

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