T*Witches: Split Decision

Read Online T*Witches: Split Decision by H.B. Gilmour, Randi Reisfeld - Free Book Online

Book: T*Witches: Split Decision by H.B. Gilmour, Randi Reisfeld Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.B. Gilmour, Randi Reisfeld
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he was far away, alarmed. “Come out of it, Cam! That’s it, open your eyes —”
    She was on the ground, on the moss-covered cobblestones. Hyperventilating. Her head was pounding, and Shane was kneeling beside her, scanning her eyes.
    Shaking, sweating, Cam clutched his arms.
    “What happened?” he asked. “Are you sick?”
    “I had …” Something stopped Cam from finishing the sentence. He hadn’t recognized what was happening to her. Maybe that was as it should be — and stay. Info best kept to herself. For now. “I got dizzy,” she said.
    “You’re still shaking,” he noted. “Sure you’re all right?”
    She was, but for how long? There hadn’t been a single time in all her life that her premonitions hadn’t come true. This had been her first of her own death.
    She wanted Alex. She needed her sister. Now.
    “Come on,” Shane was saying gently as he helped her to her feet. “Let’s go to the Village Plaza. I’ll get you some herbal tea. If you don’t feel better, I’ll bring you back home.”
    She almost protested. She almost said, No, I’ll goback now. If she couldn’t be with Alex, she wanted to be with Miranda. Maybe she should tell her mother about these last two visions — and last night’s discovery. But Shane was urging her forward, smiling at her, telling her he’d be there to catch her if she got dizzy again.
    And though she’d vowed to be cautious this time, she believed him.
    The Village Plaza was the center of town, usually bustling with witches and warlocks of all generations. Ringed by dozens of inviting shops, open-air markets, and cafés with outdoor tables shaded by big, colorful umbrellas, it reminded Cam of a peaceful artists’ colony — one that hadn’t yet been cheesed up with chain stores and T-shirt souvenirs. Triangular flags and window boxes overflowing with flowers upped the fairy-tale feel of the place.
    “Let’s go get that tea.” Shane led her to a café called the Rive Gauche. “And maybe something sweet to go with it. Could I talk you into that?”
    Okay, so maybe it was coincidence, but Cam thought…
    The Rive Gauche Café had only one group of customers clustered around a large outdoor table. There were five of them about Cam’s age, and one was awfully familiar. Accent on
    And sarcastic. “To what do we owe a visit by theDuBaer heiress? The princess of power … she who could kill with her eyes but would do no harm and spare even her enemies?”
    Sersee. The vicious witch who had been so cruel, so hurtful, so bent on destroying Cam and Alex. Her haughty highness tossed her head, dramatically casting off her hood to free a cascade of ebony curls. She caught Cam in the crosshairs of her piercing violet eyes.
    Cam stared back hard. The scary vision of a little while ago? Over it. She shot back, “To what do we owe the opening remarks, insincere though they be?”
    The revelation that the leader of the Furies had been twice abandoned — once by parents killed in a fire, then by a Protector who had failed her — tempered Cam’s righteous anger. Not that she felt sorry for the Serster, but the burning desire to clobber her had dissolved. Instead, Cam was peeved at Shane — clearly he’d spread the word of her visit.
    “Welcome.” Sersee’s expression was anything but. “Come join us at the Coventry equivalent of the popular table at the lunchroom. We wanted to make you feel right at home. No Starbucks, no sushi, no slice of Beverly Hills pizza, but we can do tasty tea, hot chocolate, and ice cream with the best. And our herbal remedies are … to die for.”
    How convenient, Cam noted, there were two empty seats.
    Shane said, “It’s up to you, Cam. Want to go someplace else?”
she thought.
    “Oh, not yet!” Sersee exclaimed. “We must introduce Lady DuBaer to her future subjects.”
    Shane scowled. “Enough, Sersee.”
    She ignored him. “Of course there’s Epie —” The intra was unnecessary. Cam recognized

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