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Book: TST by Brock Deskins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brock Deskins
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    She reached into a leather satchel and pulled out a mortar and pestle and several pouches of herbs.
    “Please hand me that water pitcher over there,” she requested, indicating the pitcher that stood on his nightstand next to a washbasin.
    He retrieved the water as she ground several herbs into the small stone bowl. She then poured in some water and soaked a long linen strip in the bowl. When she finished, Delinda wrapped the poultice snugly about his chest, covering his bruised ribs.
    “This will help heal the bruises and take away some of the pain,” she told him as she secured the poultice wrap around his chest.
    Azerick enjoyed the soft touch of her hands and the kindness in her eyes. He suddenly found that his heart was beating faster and his stomach fluttered. She smelled of rose petals and the herbs with which she worked. He felt the stirrings of feelings that he had never felt before and it made him strangely uncomfortable but also warm and pleasant.
    “I was going to go down to the lab and brew up a few healing potions. Would you like to come? I could show you how if you want,” he offered.
    Delinda looked slightly frightened at his invitation. “I don’t know if I am allowed to go down there. The master never gave me permission,” she replied as she looked down at the floor.
    “I have permission and I am sure he would not mind since you are learning something that will help you do one of your duties better,” Azerick assured her.
    “I suppose I could do that then, as long as you are with me,” Delinda replied softly.
    “Great, let’s go then,” he said as he donned a clean shirt before leading her down the stairs to the laboratory.
    Azerick winced from the pain caused by his hurried rush down the stairs but never lost the smile that graced his face. They came to the sturdy wooden door that sealed off the underground chamber. It opened at his touch and he ushered Delinda through the doorway then closed it behind him. Several of the glowing globes provided ample light that glinted off the numerous glass and copper tubes and vessels. A large bookshelf held rows of jars of dried ingredients, strange liquids, and preserved body parts.
    “You know how to use all of this?” Delinda asked in awe, looking at all of the complex equipment.
    “Yeah, most of it. I brewed a draught to help speed healing once before with my own equipment. Before I came here that is.”
    “It looks quite complicated. Do you think I can really learn to use it?” she asked nervously.
    “I’m sure you can and I’ll teach you. It can come in very handy. There are stronger healing potions that will heal even severe wounds almost instantly but they take a lot of distilling and concentrating. I have never made one before but I have always wanted to. We can try one of those another time if you want.”
    “I would like that very much.”
    Azerick’s heart nearly leapt into his throat at the way she looked up at him with her soft brown eyes.
    “Ahem, ok, let’s get started then. First, we need to make sure we have all of the necessary ingredients,” he said quickly and hurried over to the shelf that contained the numerous jars of reagents.
    He told her everything they would need, and then set her to crushing and mixing the different plants. He then showed her how to work the oil burner and how much water to add to the flask before setting it over the flame to boil. Once the water came to a boil, he poured in the ground herbs and turned down the flame on the burner.
    “Now we just wait and let it simmer for a few hours then drink it down. It tastes terrible but it speeds up healing a lot.”
    “How fast does it work?”
    “It will mend my cracked ribs in a few days, five at the most,” he answered.
    Delinda’s face brightened in surprise at his statement. “That’s incredible!”
    “So how did you come to be here?” Azerick asked the pretty herbalist.
    “Some men rode into my village and killed many of our

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