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Book: Toxic by Alice Lingard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Lingard
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less than a foot from the edge of the ledge.
    “On three. One, two, three.”
    It took all of Todd's strength to lift the dog high enough so Suzy could grab him by the scruff of the neck, and pull him onto the cliff top. Todd collapsed onto the ledge—exhausted.
    “Are you okay?” Suzy looked down at Todd.
    “Yeah. Just give me a minute while I catch my breath.”
    Ben appeared at the cliff's edge—barking down at Todd.
    “For god's sake, don't let him come back down here.”
    “I've got him.” Suzy grabbed hold of Ben.
    Fifteen minutes later, an exhausted Todd hauled himself back up. Suzy was still holding Ben for dear life.
    “Next time, I'll throw his stick,” Todd said.

Chapter 11
    Lacey pulled up at the barrier of the car park. The security guard flashed a huge smile, and greeted her like a long lost friend. “Good morning, madam.”
    She could still remember the way he'd treated her on her first visit to the Commodore when he'd refused to help her load the pizzas into the lift. Oh yes—she still remembered. He'd changed his tune as soon as she'd moved in with Raw, and now he couldn't do enough for her.
    “Morning,” she said, but didn't smile. He had a lot more grovelling to do to win her over.
    It was Saturday, and Lacey was feeling sorry for herself. All week long, she'd been looking forward to the weekend. Raw had promised they could spend it at the villa. It would have been their first visit to Cannes since she'd moved in with him almost a month ago. The last time they'd been there, she'd been called back after her mum had suffered a heart attack.
    They'd been scheduled to fly Friday night, but then Raw had taken a call from Carol. Usual subject—Todd. Raw was the best thing to have happened to Lacey, and she loved the man to bits. Still, she'd have preferred him without the baggage of his family. And yes, she knew that made her a selfish cow, but it was the truth. Carol came around or phoned every day. No one had a clue where Todd was. Or Suzy for that matter. Lacey understood their concern, but she was sure the two wild ones would both be okay—wherever they were. If ever there was a match made in Hell, it was Suzy and Todd. As far as Lacey was concerned, the only danger they were in was from one another. It was a toss up which of them would kill the other first. Even though she'd been flatmates with Suzy for some time, she still didn't understand the girl. It was as though she was hell-bent on self-destruction. She drank waaaay too much—just like her mum. Lacey hadn't said that to Suzy's face; she valued her teeth too much. It was the way Suzy treated guys that really drove Lacey insane. Every time she'd found herself a nice, steady guy, Suzy had done everything she could to sabotage the relationship. Steve had been the nicest guy anyone could wish to meet. He'd asked Suzy to move in with him more than once. What had Suzy done? Slept with other men behind his back. Even with Daggers! What had she been thinking? Lacey didn't know much about Todd—only what Raw and Carol had told her. It seemed he was on the same road to self-destruction. His problems seemed to stem from his father, and what amounted to a pathological hatred of Raw.
    Yeah—Lacey had sure managed to surround herself with one fucked-up bunch of people.
    “Mum? It's only me.” Lacey called from the hallway.
    Before going upstairs, she checked to see if Tom, her mum's partner, was in the lounge or kitchen. There was no sign of him.
    “How are you?” Lacey stuck her head around the bedroom door. Her mum was sitting up in bed with a book in her hand.
    “You can't still be reading Fifty Shades.” Lacey said.
    “This is the last in the series. I've nearly finished it.”
    “I can leave if I'm interrupting.”
    “Don't be soft. Sit down.” Her mum patted the bed.
    Lacey leaned over, gave her mum a kiss, and then sat on the edge of the bed.
    “What are you doing here anyway?” her mum said, as she put the

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