
Read Online Toxic by Alice Lingard - Free Book Online

Book: Toxic by Alice Lingard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Lingard
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hand along Ben's back.
    “No idea. He might have been abandoned. The guy in the shop says that happens sometimes. People leave their unwanted pets on the beach.”
    “How could anyone not want you?” Suzy crouched down next to Ben who began to lick her. “Don't you worry. We want you.” She looked up at Todd. “We'll need some dog food.”
    “Anything else?”
    “You might want to get yourself some more steak.”
    “What about booze?”
    Suzy hesitated. The previous day, she'd been devastated when they'd discovered there was no alcohol to be had in the village. “I'm okay. What about you? Do you want to go to Leumoor to get some while I take Ben back home?”
    ”I don't think I'm bothered,” Todd said. “Maybe tomorrow. I'll get some lemonade.”
    “I'm sorry.” Suzy said, as they walked back to the house.
    “What for?”
    “Getting on your case about Rawhide and Carol. It's none of my business.”
    “That's okay.” He took her hand again. “Let's not think about anyone else. Deal?”
    “Except Ben.”
    “Of course.” Todd tossed the stick further than he'd intended and it landed in the sea. “Ben! No!”
    The dog charged headlong into the water, grabbed the stick, and then rushed back to them. They both knew what was coming, and tried to get clear, but it was too late. Ben shook his whole body—showering them both.
    “What do you think is over in that direction?” Suzy said.
    It was early afternoon; the day was now blistering hot. They'd found two wooden seats in the small shed attached to the side of the house, and were sitting under the shade of the front porch.
    Todd glanced along the coast. “Nothing as far as I can tell.”
    “We should explore.” Suzy took a sip of lemonade.
    “It's too hot.”
    “We could go this evening when it's cooler.”
    “I should have gone to Leumoor to see if I could hire a car.”
    “I'd rather walk. And Ben definitely would.”
    The dog was flat out under Todd's chair.

Chapter 10
    It was early evening and much cooler when they set off. Ben was proudly carrying his stick clenched tightly between his jaws. After a couple of miles, the narrow road became gradually steeper as it wound its way up the headland.
    “Whose bright idea was this?” Suzy said.
    “If I remember correctly, it was yours.”
    “The next time I have a bright idea, slap me would you?”
    “Ben seems to be enjoying it.”
    They watched as the dog ran off in front of them. A couple of times he disappeared from sight, but then came bounding back down the road to them.
    “How could anyone have abandoned him?” Suzy tried to stroke Ben, but he ran back up the road.
    “People are shit.” Todd said matter-of-factly.
    “All people?”
    “Not you, but everyone else.”
    “That's very profound, and obviously well-reasoned. Any other pearls of wisdom you'd like to share?”
    “No, that's it for now.”
    “Where do you actually live?” Suzy asked.
    “Here and there. Nowhere in particular.”
    “You must have somewhere you call home?”
    “No. Not really. I spend most of my time in hotel rooms.”
    “That must cost a bloody fortune.”
    Todd shrugged.
    “Don't you get lonely?”
    “Big Todd doesn't go short of company.”
    Suzy stared at him. “Why do you do that?”
    “Do what, honey?”
    “This. The Big Todd crap. The honey crap.”
    “The ladies like it.”
    “Which ladies are those? The whores you pay to be with you? They just like your money.”
    “You seemed to like Big Todd just fine when we were at your flat.”
    Suzy stopped walking. “It's all bullshit though, isn't it? That's not the real you, so why do it?”
    “Who the fuck are you to talk? With your babes this and babes that ? Strange, I haven't heard you say that once since we arrived here. You're every bit as false as me.”
    The truth in his words stung. Suzy set off walking again at a faster pace. Todd watched her for a few moments and

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