
Read Online Three by William C. Oelfke - Free Book Online

Book: Three by William C. Oelfke Read Free Book Online
Authors: William C. Oelfke
flight to McMurdo, in the Antarctic, where we will join three other workers and
be trained to operate the hydraulic fork-lifts used in the loading process. 
    “Who are the other three
    “They are stationed at
McMurdo.  They have already packed the food supplies in standard wooden crates. 
These crates are now stored in the aircraft hangar at the McMurdo airstrip,
waiting to be loaded onto trailers and transferred to the Pole by a caravan of
    Joshua studied all the data
he and Spencer had collected about the Antarctic supply depot at McMurdo.  He
saw that this large hangar also sheltered the single LC-130 aircraft used for
summer flights to the Pole; but now as winter approached, all travel to and
from the Pole would stop.  During the southern winter, when the ice road had
been drifted over with snow and made impassible, flights of this large
four-engine turboprop aircraft would be the only way to reach the Pole, but
would only be used in the case of a dire emergency.  However, at the present
time in March, these ice roads were open, providing a safe land route to the
Pole.  Regular transport of men and supplies was done by Sno-Cat.
    Reviewing the supply manifests
to McMurdo, Joshua had found, as Reverend Spencer had indicated, that among the
crated supplies in the hangar were crates of mechanical items and a large over-supply
of motor oil and hydraulic fluid.  Joshua’s mission was to switch these crates
of oil and hydraulic fluid for the food crates prior to their loading for
overland shipment to the Pole.
    Studying all this information,
including detailed plans of the hangar and surrounding quarters, Joshua said,
“Joel, on the first night in McMurdo, after a day of training on loading
procedures, sneak out of our quarters after everyone’s asleep.  Take up a
hidden position, within the hangar, and make careful notes on the overnight
guard making his patrol of the supply hangar.  At McMurdo we will be in continuous
twilight so you must remain hidden.  The following night you, Enoch, and I must
be able to carry out the exchange of crates without detection by a roving guard.”
    “Will I need a weapon,
    “Not on this part of our
mission.  Our weapons must stay here in New Zealand.  There must be no hint of
an attack until these false food crates are opened this coming May or June.”
    “What kind of attack would we
have to make then?” asked Enoch.
    Joshua then outlined the plan
of action for the following few months. “We must first prepare the false food
crates and make sure they arrive and are stored at Amundsen-Scott Station with
no suspicion as to their true content.  They will be opened sometime in late
May or early June, when winter has set in and has isolated those idolaters at
this dark satanic temple.  You both will remain here in New Zealand until the
completion of our mission, while I return to help carry out the next phase of
our final cleansing of our true temple in Jerusalem. 
    “You must disable both the
LC-130 at McMurdo, and later the one here at Christchurch.  By the time it becomes
necessary to disable this last LC-130, our attack will be known and weapons may
be necessary to complete the mission.  The final stage of your mission here in
Christchurch must be considered a combat operation.”
    “How can we disable the
McMurdo aircraft so that it looks like an accident?” asked Enoch.
    Joshua reached into his
pocket and removed two pairs of samarium-cobalt magnets. “Enoch, you and Joel
will continue to work in McMurdo, with the supply trains.  When the hard winter
begins to set in, the supply team will be recalled back here to Christchurch. 
Prior to leaving, you must place these magnets on either side of a turbine
blade deep within each of two engines on one side of the McMurdo aircraft.  If
the LC-130 is called upon to rescue the worshipers at the Dark Temple, these
magnets will cause the engines to fail prior to

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