The Unknown Billionaire (Captured by Love Book 6)
involved in steering the company?”
    “No,” she admitted. “I’ve always known I’ll go back to work there. It’s a matter of when.”
    “I’d say this is the right time.”
    “Maybe. Let me go through those documents.”
    “If you’re in, it’s better that you’re in from the beginning. So I suggest you make your decision before we submit the proposal, so you can make suggestions or changes to it before then.”
    She could see the sense in that. “Okay.”
    “Good! Now let’s go rejoin your mum and your boyfriend.”
    She smiled, thrilled that it had been easy for her dad to refer to Jarryd as her boyfriend. “What help are you supposed to give Mum?” she asked as they left the study.
    “She wants me to stir-fry the veggies while she grills the salmon. How about you do it for me?”
    She smirked. “I’m giving Jarryd a tour of the house. But don’t worry. You won’t have to help clean up later.”
    “When did you grow up and stop obeying me?” he asked with faux authority.
    “A long, long time ago, Daddy,” she said with a chuckle, hugging him as they walked back into the kitchen.
    Jarryd was sitting on a stool by the island bench, a glass of wine in his hand and a bowl of nuts in front of him while he chatted with her mother. Jarryd beamed when he spotted her.
    Her heart skipped, excited to see him again. Gosh, she had it bad. But she wasn’t complaining at all.
    “Business talk finished?” Alice asked them as she pulled something from the fridge.
    “For tonight,” Barry said. “Oh, by the way, Marilyn. Have you decided if you want to appear on Biz Q&A ? Aren’t you supposed to answer Patrick soon?”
    Jarryd’s strangled coughing startled Marilyn.
    “You okay?” she asked, hurrying to him. He wasn’t choking on a nut, was he?

    J arryd nodded his thanks to Alice as he took the glass of water she’d hurriedly handed to him. He took large gulps, soothing the tickle that had lodged in his throat from his surprise at Barry’s words.
    Patrick O’Neill had invited Marilyn to appear on Biz Q&A ?
    Had Patrick found out that he was going out with Marilyn, and was this Patrick’s way of telling him who had the upper hand?
    “You okay?” Marilyn repeated, rubbing his back and looking at him with concern.
    He hacked one last time to totally get rid of the discomfort. “The wine just went down the wrong way. I’m okay now.”
    “Thank goodness it wasn’t a nut,” Alice said. “Well, we should be ready to eat in about twenty minutes. How about you two do the house tour before then?”
    “Okay,” Marilyn said, raising her eyebrows questioningly at Jarryd.
    He nodded eagerly, keen to be alone with her .
    Marilyn took his hand and showed him the formal living areas first, sharing with him her fond memories of the place. He pushed aside his nagging worries to concentrate on Marilyn’s stories and to admire the property, which really was something special. The period features had been kept and maintained, blending well with the modern, comfortable furnishings and impressive art collection.
    They stepped out into the vast outdoor entertaining area, punctuated by the oval-shaped swimming pool, and went back inside again through a set of double doors leading to the library with floor-to-ceiling shelving filled with books. It was hard not to be impressed with the house’s understated grandeur and the homey feel that permeated it.
    Marilyn quickly showed him the study, powder room and a downstairs guest room before they headed upstairs, where Marilyn started with the two spacious guest rooms. Then she showed him her parents’ impressive master suite, with its own sitting room, study, cavernous dressing room and stunning bathroom with marble floors.
    “There used to be six big bedrooms up here when my parents bought the house when I was around ten,” Marilyn said. “Then when Mum and Dad had it renovated, they took three of the bedrooms to form this suite into the sanctuary

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