The Unknown Billionaire (Captured by Love Book 6)
over her folks and neither had he acted like someone with a chip on his shoulder who expected her parents to look down on him.
    He’d been great. Absolutely wonderful. She wasn’t even worried anymore that there were things he wasn’t ready to share with her. At least he’d been upfront about having to keep certain things to himself.
    Marilyn pressed the security intercom and her dad opened the door after a short wait.
    “Hi, Dad,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. She hid a smile, surprised at seeing him wearing a colourful apron dotted with different types of flowers. Her father was one of the hardest-working people she knew, but he would rather eat out or bring in a private chef than work in the kitchen. She wondered how her mother had succeeded in getting him to help cook tonight.
    “Hello, darling,” Barry said, hugging her before shaking hands with Jarryd.
    “Thank you for having me here tonight, sir,” Jarryd said.
    “Pleasure,” Barry said in a clipped tone, eyeing the box Jarryd was carrying.
    “Yes, it’s your favourite,” Marilyn said, flashing him a please-be-nice-to-Jarryd smile.
    Barry lifted an eyebrow at her.
    “Marilyn told me that this dessert is the best way to butter you up, Mr. Grant,” Jarryd said, holding up the box to Barry. “Since I really want you to like me, I thought I’d hand it to you myself. I’ll even go so far as to offer you my slice if you promise not to kick me out of your house if I happen to hug your daughter in front of you tonight.”
    Barry’s jaw dropped as he stared at Jarryd, his eyes round.
    Marilyn held her breath, her own eyes bugged out as she watched the two men. Goodness, what had gotten into Jarryd?
    “It’s this apron, isn’t it?” Barry finally said, wincing as he looked down at his attire.
    Jarryd shrugged, grinning widely. “It does soften your aura, sir.”
    Barry sighed. “Tell you what. How about you tell my wife that Marilyn can help her in the kitchen while I give you a tour around the house, and I’ll let you keep your slice of that cake.”
    Marilyn gasped. “Hey, not fair! I was looking forward to showing Jarryd around.” She was tickled pink, though, that her father didn’t get mad at Jarryd.
    “Then how can I give him a piece of my mind without you listening?” Barry asked, deadpan.
    Oh, no. “Dad, he was only joking.”
    “It’s okay, honey,” Jarryd said. “I’ll take what I deserve. As long as he doesn’t make me wear that apron.”
    Barry laughed out loud, shaking his head. “You’ve got spunk, Jarryd. I like that. Let’s go to the kitchen, kids, or Alice will wonder if I’ve run Jarryd off.”
    Marilyn linked her arm with Jarryd’s as they followed Barry to the back of the house. “I’m so impressed,” she whispered to him.
    “Good,” Jarryd whispered back. “You can give me my reward later.”
    “Hello!” Alice called out as they appeared in the kitchen.
    “Jarryd’s helping you, love,” Barry said, taking the box of dessert from Jarryd. “His only condition is that he doesn’t wear any apron.”
    “Barry,” Alice said with censure.
    “Happy to help, Mrs. Grant,” Jarryd said. “Mr. Grant has agreed that he won’t give me the evil eye when I kiss Marilyn in front of him.”
    “Kiss?” Barry boomed. “You said you were only going to hug her.”
    “Well, we didn’t talk about relieving you of your kitchen duties before, sir. Just making sure everything’s fair.”
    Marilyn chuckled at the incredulous look on her mother’s face at the exchange between the men. “Dad likes Jarryd. He thinks he’s spunky,” she said.
    “Well, isn’t it great that you’re getting along like a house on fire,” Alice said to the guys. “But you’re not getting out of helping me here, Barry Grant. Jarryd is our guest and Marilyn will be entertaining him while we finish preparing dinner.”
    Barry let out a heavy breath. “Okay. But let me talk business with Marilyn first for about ten

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