The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee

Read Online The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee by Elizabeth Lennox - Free Book Online

Book: The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: Romance
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reveal, she was in the dark. Royston was a very private person. He might give his body to her freely every night. But he didn’t open up to her about his feelings or his history. That didn’t stop him from asking her question after question. But she had so far failed to garner any insight into the man and what made him so strong and driven.
    Miranda didn’t want to use her position, however temporary, to spy on Royston though. She thought it wouldn’t be right. Besides, she might be sleeping with the man, but this whole weekend was a lie. She understood why Royston was doing it and even admired him for his efforts, but she liked Wyndi. She hadn’t expected to like the woman so much and now she felt awkward perpetuating the lie. It was wrong.
    “You know, Royston is pretty happy,” Miranda said softly, trying to reassure this kind woman.
    Wyndi smiled, looking at Miranda and secretly hoping things would work out between her brother and this kind, warm-hearted woman. “I know he is now. But he was not happy when I first found him.”
    Miranda’s eyes swung from watching Royston shoot to the woman beside her. “Why do you say that? I thought you’d just found him earlier this week.”
    Wyndi smiled inwardly, one more piece of the puzzle falling into place. The fact that the woman wasn’t certain only confirmed her suspicions that Royston and Miranda weren’t actually engaged. She wasn’t going to ruin the story though. Maybe if she kept quiet, they would work things out and realize that they were made for each other.
    “You’re right. But from the moment I saw him in his office, I could sense the sadness in him. I don’t know why and I can’t really explain it, but Royston was not a happy man.” She let that sink in. “He’s pretty happy now,” she said, still watching the men. “Also, I might have been pretty young before our parents died and we were split up, but Royston never treated his girlfriends the way he treats you. And I know there aren’t many pictures of him online, but of the ones there are, there’s a look in his eyes, a hardness and angry expression, that’s been absent when he looks at you.”
    Miranda wasn’t sure how to take those comments. They gave her a ray of hope that there might be a future between herself and Royston, but was that logical? Royston was one of those men who had obviously had many lovers, knew how to treat a woman to make her feel special. But should she dare to get her hopes up that this weekend might mean more to him than just a casual fling?
    She shook her head, silently admonishing herself for thinking such ridiculous thoughts. There were probably dozens of women in Royston’s past who had stupidly hoped for the same thing. She might be sharing his bed, but she wouldn’t let her heart go so easily. She had to be sensible about this. Royston was not the kind of man who would settle down.
    She watched him, a sadness filling her heart as she considered what would happen Monday morning. She’d love to live in this fantasy world where everything was perfect, but the harsh reality would come soon enough. She needed to keep her head on straight to survive that reality.
    “Are you okay?” Royston asked, moving beside her and taking one of her hands. They’d finished their game of pool but she had no idea who had won.
    Miranda pasted a smile on her face and nodded. “I’m fine,” she replied. But deep down inside, she knew she wasn’t fine. She didn’t know enough about this man, she had no idea what really made him tick, and she was playing a role that was not real. But she suddenly realized that her heart had already been lobbed over the fence and was now firmly in his hands. She looked down at his fingers which were holding hers gently. He was such a demanding lover, so intense in the way he held her or touched her. Those fingers had driven her mad with desire so many times last night. They were strong, elegant hands, capable of both tenderness and heat.

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