The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee

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Book: The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: Romance
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But they weren’t hands she could count on. She had to be smart about this.
    The dinner that evening was fun and lively with Miranda laughing and trying to absorb as many memories as she could before she had to return to her tedious, boring life without Royston. She might be just sipping another pumpkin martini, but Royston watched her over the rim of his own glass, making the martini taste so much more potent. Sitting next to him on the sofa, laughing and talking was more stimulating with his hand on her neck, hidden by her hair while he teased her, causing secret shivers to race along her body. But they were only secret to Wyndi and Tamar, since Royston knew exactly when he hit a spot that caused her body to react and look at her triumphantly.
    Yes, being with Royston was much more invigorating than anything she’d ever done before. And as she pulled him into her arms that night, kissing him and giving her body to his expert touch, she released her fears for the future, deciding to revel in the moment. The future would come soon enough. She didn’t want to ruin the present with those worries.

Chapter 5
    Miranda felt a genuine sadness as she hugged Wyndi goodbye Sunday afternoon. “Please keep in touch,” she said to the woman who had become her friend.
    Wyndi hugged Miranda back, worried at the strange look in her eyes. “Keep him happy, okay?”
    Miranda hesitated but Wyndi just put a hand on her arm. “I know. You’re not really engaged. But don’t let that stop you from loving him,” she urged. “He needs you. He might not know that he needs you, but if you can hang on, he’ll figure it out and he’ll make you the second happiest woman in the world.” She looked up at her husband with love shining through her eyes as their two men descended the steps towards the waiting limousine. “Promise me?” she whispered, her eyes looking intently into Miranda’s.
    Miranda was still so surprised that Royston’s sister had figured out the secret. So she simply nodded her head. But inside, she wasn’t sure she could fulfill that promise. Royston was his own man. She wasn’t able to sway him towards anything he didn’t want to do.
    She shook her head as the couple stepped into the limousine and drove away. She felt warm and secure with Royston’s arm around her waist, but bit her lip, wondering if he was going to drop his arm as soon as his sister was out of sight.
    “I guess we’d better head back to the city as well,” she said, wishing he would tell her they didn’t have to. That they could stay here in this lovely house forever.
    “I guess so,” he came back, looking down at her dark head, wondering why she was in such a rush. “Is there something you need to do back in the city?” he asked.
    Miranda shrugged her shoulders and stepped out of his arms. “I have to get ready for work, do laundry, grocery shopping. All the things I normally do on the weekends.”
    He took her hands and kissed her fingertips. “I took up a lot of your time this weekend,” he said gently. “I appreciate all that you did to convince my sister about our relationship.”
    She pulled her hand away angrily. “I didn’t sleep with you to convince your sister,” she snapped.
    He was surprised but didn’t take offense. “I didn’t mean to imply that you had,” he said. “Are you okay?”
    Miranda bent her head and rubbed her forehead. “Yes. I’m just tired,” she explained, forcing herself to smile up at him.
    He expelled a deep breath and brought her close again. “I’ll get you home,” he told her as his arms wrapped around her. “Will you let me help you get your weekend chores done?”
    She laughed at the idea of Royston, big, huge, domineering Royston pushing a grocery cart down the produce aisle. She could just imagine the shock of her fellow shoppers as he followed her docilely around. “No,” she chuckled. “But I appreciate the offer.”
    Thirty minutes later, they were speeding down the

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