The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee

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Book: The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancee by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: Romance
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highway in his powerful car but she couldn’t think of anything to say. It was as if his sister’s departure had left a gaping hole in his life that she couldn’t fill. And that saddened her even more.
    She watched the landscape pass them by, trying to find a silver lining in this whole situation. But she was hurting too badly. Even as she admonished herself for feeling sad, telling herself that she knew this moment would arrive, she still didn’t want to leave his company. She felt more alive, all tingly and excited, whenever he was in the room, or even before he entered the room. Just sitting next to him in the car, she loved the way he held her hand in his, confidently steering the vehicle through the traffic that became heavier as they neared London.
    When he pulled into a parking space at her apartment building, the sun was starting to dip down over the horizon. Just like the sunshine inside of her, she thought with a melancholy she was unable to push away. “I can take that,” she said when he pulled her suitcase out of the trunk of his car.
    “I’ll carry it upstairs for you,” he told her firmly.
    She sighed and turned around, allowing him to carry her suitcase even though it was covered in flowers. It didn’t make him look even the slightest bit less manly. In fact, the dichotomy between his masculinity and the feminine bag only enhanced his attractiveness.
    When she was standing at her doorway, prepared to take the bag from him, she was surprised when he took her into his arms instead. One moment, she was preparing to thank him for a fun weekend, words that didn’t do their time together justice, and the next moment, she was wanting to climb up his amazing body again.
    The thought of resisting him, of being firm about getting back to reality, was simply gone from her mind at his first touch. This was Royston, she told herself. And if he wanted one more night with her, she was going to take it and make the most of it. Sleep was over-rated anyway!

Chapter 6
    Miranda rolled over in her bed, smiling as she stretched sore muscles. The night had been incredible but she wanted Royston again. Feeling behind her, she knew that just a touch would rouse him enough, but her hand didn’t find warm steel as it had several times throughout the night. There was only a cold sheet where Royston’s hard body should have been.
    She rolled onto her back and opened her eyes but he wasn’t in bed. She stopped moving and listened, hoping to hear him coming back from the kitchen or the bathroom, but her apartment was silent as only an empty apartment could sound.
    He’d left? When had he gone?
    She sat up in bed, pulling the sheet over her breasts even though she knew she was completely alone. Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was well past the time when she should be getting ready for work. She hadn’t turned on her alarm clock the previous night so she hadn’t woken at the crack of dawn as she normally would on a weekday.
    With a sigh of resignation, she flopped back onto her pillows and stared at the ceiling. So this was it, she thought. This was her thudding return to reality.
    It was worse than she’d anticipated.
    Angrily wiping the tears from her cheeks, she shoved the covers out of the way and almost stomped to the bathroom, forcing herself to go through all of her normal morning rituals. She kept telling herself that, if she could just get back into her routine, she would be fine, feel better.
    But even as she maneuvered her way onto the subway, she still felt horrible and lonely. And rejected!
    No, that wasn’t fair, she told herself. Royston had asked her to do a job and the job was over. She had to move on with her life.
    As she made her way into the office, she plowed her way through the crowds on the sidewalk, resenting every step that was taking her closer to the man she’d snuggled up against for the past three nights. She’d felt his hot, hard body next to hers for so long, she almost

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