The Tigrens' Glory

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Book: The Tigrens' Glory by Laura Jo Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Jo Phillips
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and, after a moment’s hesitation, Glory placed one of her gloved hands in Honey’s.
    “This would probably work better without the glove,” Honey said. 
    Glory froze for a moment, her breath catching in her throat.  Then she swallowed hard and began to remove her glove.
    “No, wait,” Honey said.  “How about if I just place a hand on your forearm instead?”
    “Will that work?” Glory asked.
    “Sure,” Honey said.  “I just get a better connection of I can touch your skin.  It doesn’t matter if it’s your hand or not.”  Glory held out her arm, hiding her relief as Honey wrapped her fingers around her wrist just above the edge of the glove. 
    “Just relax as much as you can,” Honey said softly.  “This will only take a moment.”
    Glory tried to do as Honey asked, but her mind was racing as fast as her heart.  She wasn’t sure if she wanted a psychic talent or not.  She really didn’t need another reason for people to mark her as different.  On the other hand, if she had some ability that could help her find and free the Tigren, she’d be grateful for it no matter the cost to herself. 
    Several moments passed, the only sound in the room the soft breathing of the occupants.  Just when Glory was beginning to think there was nothing for Honey to find, the other woman opened her eyes and smiled.  “You’re a Dream Walker.”
    “Dream Walker,” Glory said slowly, as though tasting the words.  “That isn’t a term familiar to me.”
    “A few months ago it wouldn’t have been familiar to me, either,” Honey admitted wryly as she released Glory, then pulled her chair back behind the desk and sat down again.  “I started doing research on different psychic abilities to help me better understand what I sense now that I’m called on to use this talent so often.  The information I got on Dream Walkers, what little there was of it, comes from the Tisla of Sheara 5.  There are several different types of Dream Walkers with a variety of different abilities, many of which overlap.  The strongest ability described was when a Dream Walker enters a meditative state and pulls others who are dreaming into a dreamlike environment that the Dream Walker creates within his or her own mind.” 
    “It must be from within a meditative state?” Glory asked.
    “That’s what it said, yes,” Honey said.  “Unfortunately, when I contacted the Tisla directly in an attempt to get more information, they refused to respond.  I’ve just told you the full extent of what I learned.”
    “The Tisla have always been a secretive people,” Trey said.  “I’m surprised you found as much as you did.”
    “Which type of Dream Walker do you think Glory is?” Lariah asked.
    “She’s definitely the most powerful type,” Honey said.  “But it will take practice, and you have to be very careful while using it, Glory.”
    “Careful?” Glory asked.  “Why?”
    “The use of any psychic ability requires energy,” Honey explained.  “Just like physical energy, you can only use so much psychic energy before it takes a toll on you.  Go beyond your own limits, and you risk your health, or even your life.”
    “I remember the first time Lariah helped Doc in his animal clinic,” Val said.  “She was so exhausted afterward she couldn’t even stay awake.”
    “The same happened when Riata healed the Lobos after their car exploded,” Trey said.  “She very nearly killed herself in the process.”
    “Exactly,” Honey said.  “You can build your strength up fairly quickly with practice, but you need to be careful not to push yourself too hard, too soon.”
    “I’ll remember that,” Glory said.  “Thank you for your help, Dr. Honey.”
    “Yes, Honey, thank you for taking time to help us,” Lariah said.  “We know how busy you are.”
    “I’m happy to do it,” Honey said, getting up to see them out.  “If you have any more questions, Glory, please don’t hesitate to call

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